Monday, March 5, 2007

When you're bored... With a 4-hour break...

three schools you went or going to
> `* sk bandar baru seri petaling
> `* smk bandar baru seri petaling
> `* sunway college

three things in your wallet/purse
> `* my identity card
> `* my student ID
> `* credit card
(money is subjected to availability :P)

three things you always wear
> `* earrings
> `* jeans
> `* underwear (surprise!)

three things you do when you are really stressed
`* wash toilet clean and sort my closet. yes, i do clean out my closet to de-stress.
`* wash car blast music from my pc, sing along
`* scream as loud as i can sleep

three favorite songs right now
> `* diary of jane by breaking benjamin
> `* zhuan shu tian shi by tank
> `* liang zhi lian ren by cao ge
i have another favourite - tian tian ye ye by F.I.R. (it rocks!)

three most valuable possessions
(valuable as in most expensive, or most treasured, or most important??)
> `* my diary-planner. without this, i would probably forget all important dates.
> `* my computer. without this, cannot do any work/blog/chat.
> `* my baby pillow. without this, cannot sleep. hahahaa.

three favorite fruits
> `* durian. this is the real deal man.
> `* banana. daily necessity.
> `* mango. just love it. no need a reason.

three things you are addicted to:
> `* music
> `* CNY chocolate chip cookies
> `* taiwanese and korean drama series

three favorite hobbies
> `* writing lab reports blasting music
> `* writing 2500-word essay assignments singing to the music blasted
> `* dissecting rats for their blood jamming on my piano

three plans for next week
> `* watch a movie
> `* maybe meet up with my sister on friday for lunch or something
> `* submit modified and finalised thesis to dr kan and dr ton ^_^

three things that scare you
> `* snakes
> `* popping balloons
> `* the letter "N" appearing on my academic transcript

three of your favorite bands or musical artists
> `* wang lee hom
> `* jj lin
> `* nickelback

two truths and a lie (in no particular order)
> `* i know the names of all my relatives.
> `* i survived a three-storey fall when i was 3.. no broken bones, no scratches.
> `* my favourite colours (or rather, lack of) are black and white.

three things you want to do before you die
> `* travel and explore this big, small, complicated world
> `* do volunteer work... somewhere...
> `* sing

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