Saturday, February 3, 2007

A Case of Unfortunate Event

this clumsy-klutzy girl here cut her index finger last saturday while sectioning tissue samples using the microtome (part of research project). sigh.

it was an accident *of course*... happened in a split second without me realizing anything when i was changing the blade to a new, sharper one (change is required because after sectioning 4-6 samples it kinda gets too blunt to section anything nicely). the blade was so sharp that i did NOT feel any pain when i cut my finger. i didn't even realize that i cut my finger until i took a look at my finger and saw many, many red drops dripping from two ends of my finger... blood lah.

the cut is pretty big. measured it with a ruler cuz my mom thought and insisted that it was half-an-inch. much to her horror, it was a longer than half-an-inch.. it was a long nasty 1.9cm cut. just under an inch long. then for a few days she kept telling me, "aiyah.. ni ah.. wei she me bu zao yi dian gen wo shuo.. huo zhe gei wo kan yi xia ba. fang cheng hai lai de ji chu yi yuan stitch up mah. hai jiang bu chang, bu shen. tsk tsk tsk."

in case of those who doesn't understand mandarin, my mom was basically lecturing me for not showing or telling her how big and how deep the cut was soon enough to get to the hospital to get stitches. now you gonna get a scar.

but it was so difficult getting the cut to stop bleeding that i was so reluctant to remove the band aid. it took no less than 20 minutes to half-an-hour to stop the bleeding. seriously. even i couldn't believe my eyes when i saw so much blood coming out of that little finger of mine, that even my left hand turn pale white. my family doctor would be ecstatic and overjoyed to collect that much amount of blood that i loss in a vial cuz she always find it sooo hard to draw blood from my invisible veins for my annual blood checkup.

now. injury cannot kena water. so showering also difficult. activity using fingers limited. cannot play piano. typing also slowed down. because left index finger is on MC. good thing i can drive with only my right hand.


by the looks of the cut just now (while i was changing to a new band aid), i think and i really think it's gonna be one big and ugly scar.

nnnnoooooooooooooooooooooo... no guy would want a girl with a scarred finger. kill me. just kill me now.

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