Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dinner @ KoreanTown

Phaik Ee, Suet Wan and I had established a mission from way before we had finish our semesters.

Our mission = To go check out the KoreanTown in Jalan Ampang AND try out the Korean food.

Haha. Well, I guess we aren't bad at keeping our promises. Phaik Ee even called in countless others, but only Wei Lun and Voon Chia could make it. But you know, it gets harder to meet up with old school buddies as years go by. So when you get five people together, it would be a miracle! Too bad Ashley couldn't make it at the last minute, otherwise it would have been six.

Just Monday, the five of us went there in a car. Driver of the day night was Suet Wan and her faithful old Proton Saga with no power steering. And it's a manual car. Fuiyoh, where can you find a girl who can drive a stick these days? Cho power! I still remember how, but I wouldn't dare to anymore.

Anyway when we arrived there, we still had to pick a restaurant to try out. At first, Phaik Ee came up with a brilliant strategy - We pick the restaurant with the most leng chai. Yup, it didn't apply. Most of the workers there are neither Korean nor Chinese. And even if they were Korean or Chinese, they were ahjusshis and ahjummas. We actually chose the restaurant by playing lat-ta-lee-lat-ta-leet-tam-plom (in Chinese we call it 黑白 - literally translated as black white). Han Woo Ri restaurant won the elimination.

When we finished ordering the food, the waiter actually said that we ordered too little for our crowd of five. Good thing we just went ahead with the stuff we ordered and said we would order later if it wasn't enough. I was soooooo stuffed up with food by the time we finished.

Gila one the waiter.

But man, the food was sooo delicious I'm dying for a second round now.


Hmmm. I did not count the number of these small dishes of appetizer. But I estimate that there's about 11 or 12 of them. Had no idea what half of them were called, just stuffed them into mouth, chew and swallow. Haha. There were eggs, bean paste sauce (looks like sambal but not spicy), sweet sauce, tauge, kimchi, asparagus and plenty of sour vegetables.

BBQ Pork

Don't have to worry about not knowing how to or how long to BBQ the pork or burning the pork, the Han Woo Ri waiters will do it for you.

We ordered two types - just the plain pork meat (RM25), and the marinated pork meat (RM29). The price differ slightly, but the taste - oh my goodness - the marinated pork was awesome! My suggestion? Just order two plates of the marinated pork. The plain pork meat is just too plain for RM 25. Not worth it.


Bibimbap apparently literally means mixed rice in Korean. White rice mixed with a whole lot of other junk stuff in it (as you can see from the picture above) such as egg, pork (we changed it from beef) and bunch of various veggies which we neither knew their names or existence. If veggies were cooked this way, my mom would never had a problem getting me to eat veggies when I was younger.

Bibimbap is like chak fan in Malaysia. Except that we don't stir and mix our chak fan gao gao like the way we lou the yee sang during CNY, unlike bibimbap. Bibimbap was said to have originated in those days by the ahjummas. You know food leftovers from here and there? They had no idea what to do with them, or how to serve them as a dish the next day. And takkan wanna waste food right? So they came up with a brilliant idea to mix all those leftovers together, add in the sauce (black bean sauce?) and ta-da, you get bibimbap!

Anyway, I forgot where I read that piece of information from. We couldn't finish this dish though. I have no idea how people can eat one bibimbap by themselves. It's just too much for one person. There are five of us, and we can't even finish it!

Kimchi Omelette (Pancake?) & Kimchi Jjigae

The Kimchi omelette (pancake?) was good. One thing I love about this omelette compared to the fu yong dan is that this omelette/pancake has generous quantities of their ingredient. There is so much sotong, there is pepper, there is a host of other things which again I have no idea what they were.

And the Kimchi Jjigae is my favourite among all! I can't bring myself to look at this picture. It just brings back the memories of how wonderful this soup was and makes me moody because I can't have it right now. I so wanna learn how to make Kimchi Jjigae.


Have you seen anyone eating watermelon with chopsticks? No no, the Koreans don't do that. People who eat watermelons with chopsticks are strange. Want to know who was the culprit? Nah, I ain't telling.


Everyone, except Suet Wan (the driver - know why she isn't drinking?), tried out Soju. This fella has about 20% alcohol content which is really ridiculous that I felt like I'm drinking ethanol directly from the bottles in my lab. Oh, the smell and taste of alcohol is so strong.

It was a difficult first two glasses (shot glasses which weren't big) but by the time I got to the third, I began to taste sweetness and spicyness of the drink. It wasn't too bad. I think I might be branded mad by the rest of them for saying that this drink is kinda delicious.

What's worse is that my parents might kill me for saying what I just said. But they don't know my blog URL anyway. Haha.

The three merry drinkers. OK-lah, we didn't risk it by ordering one bottle each. We three shared one bottle. We are still good girls :P

Korean Ice-cream

Despite complaining that our stomachs were full, we still toured the supermarket although our overloaded stomachs probably switch off the "food desire" switch in our brains. Yah, and at the sight of ice-cream, the switch was switched back on.

Never had this much fun in a year (since Penang)! Especially with my school friends. I actually don't recall hanging out with schoolmates was this much fun back in the school days. Maybe that time we were so accustomed to the fact that we see each other's faces everyday and took for granted the company of the greatest people on earth.

Wished we had all day though but we all have our colleges and work to go back to during the day. With all the craziness and pressure we endure while the sun's up, perhaps simply the company of friends at sundown is what gives us life more than what it is, keeps us sane, and keeps our feet on the ground and our heads straight. Unless you downed too much Soju, of course.

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