Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hardbound Thesis!!!

This probably officially ends my life as a Honours student. Because now, we just have to wait for the results to be released. On July 11th.

Haih... Two more weeks to go. The wait will be so agonizing.

You know, seriously, I have come to a point where I don't care what I get anymore. It is a reward and a relief to have finally gotten over with the research, presentation, thesis writing, viva and then examination. I think it was a nightmare because they were in back-to-back weeks.

And my internal marks were mostly close to high distinction but not there. Mostly borderline cases, like literature review 79%, poster 76% and presentation 78%. Borderline right? Which is what make me even less optimistic. Haha.

Dang. Now I have to start thinking about whether to do postgrad or work. But I think I'm already considering postgrad (80%) compared to work (20%). Then I have to hunt and apply to universities. Then comes a question, where do I want to study?? Aiyoh..

For now I will torture myself with another semester as a lab demonstrator while I think about what's next.

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