Thursday, June 5, 2008

The smell of freedom

Halo! I'm back from a hiatus! Had to take a compulsory time off from blogging and anything else distracting to focus on my last few gruelling months of Honours with packed due dates...

Presentation was on 08-May-2008.
Thesis due on 16-May-2008.
Viva was on 29-May-2008.
Final exam was on 02-June-2008.

Now I am a free woman!!! Oh dear, I hope I haven't forgotten how to blog.

You know what's strange? I don't feel any excitement after being done with Honours year. I. Feel. Odd. Seriously. I have been so accustomed to fixing TV and kai kai time to one hour and then immediately rushing somewhere to finish up my work, my mindset is still like this. Just the other day I was watching a show on TV, then I was *unconsciously* fidgetting and thinking "OK, I better go do some work after this show's done! Why is this show taking so long?". Then *ten ten ten ten*, I remember that I have nothing to do actually. Oh, darn it. How can I forget that I have nothing to do??

Except for the hardbound thesis lah. But that one, not counted. Haha.

Anyway, we did went out for a celebration lunch right after our paper was over at Tony Roma's in Sunway Pyramid. Fourteen people altogether. In three cars. Jason, Joash, TY, KC, Iris, Chien Wen, Audrey, Jane, Suzan, me, Wai Khay, Sim, Eric and one more whom I don't know the name. Big crowd, fair share of XX and XY.. but the biggest eaters were #1 Jason and #2 Suzan. What boys can do, girls can do too right? But since I am a pathetic eater with a non-expandable stomach, I had to share my lunch with one other girl because the serving portion was too large.

So many things on my mind right now. I am sooooo looking forward to the coming trip. Are we just pulling an all-nighter or are we going to play in the taman tema? Note to self: Remember to tell someone to bring a camera. Or else it would be pointless.

Went to IKEA on Tuesday with my brother and Suzan. My brother wanted to buy a work desk for his room, so that he can put the computer in his room and can do his work there. I wanted to buy a work desk for my room a long long time ago. So we bought work desks from IKEA. Mine will look something like this:

160 cm × 120 cm | Black-brown wood | Silver A-legs

Will take pictures of my desk later. After setup. Probably next week?

Right now, my room has just completed the dismantling phase (old computer table, my sister's bed, old desk) and I did almost 95% of the work myself! I dismantled the old desk, moved my sister's mattresses and my desktop computer. Haha, I think I'll have "fun" time reassembling my computer later. Hopefully I get the wires connected correctly. Or I'll just call the brother to do it... better idea right?

And now waiting for the clearing out phase (getting rid of the dismantled stuff). The assembling phase can only be carried out once clearing out is done. At the moment, my room feels really really spacious.

1 comment:

  1. The other girl's name is Ice <-- but dunno whether I spell it correctly or not. Haha.

    Weh lady, no need to say who was second biggest eater gua... I dowan to steal the spotlight from Jason. XD
