Saturday, March 22, 2008

Freaking Grow Up!

I swear my blood pressure just hit sky high. I really, really can't stand childish attitude. Especially when I see it in adults.

Adults = Above 18
Adults = Can think for oneself
Adults = No need to keep depending on others for help

I mean, kids can get away for being childish because they're kids. It's their process of growing up. Adults acting childish just appalls and irritates me to the core. They're supposed to be grown up, and yet... SIGH! Grow up already!

When people are talking to each other about serious stuff, stay out of it if it's none of your business. Or if you were not part of the conversation in the first place. When someone asks a specific someone a direct question, please lah mind your own business and let the person answer. Nobody asked you anything, so freaking shut up! What's so difficult about that har??

OK lah. Once or twice, I can tolerate. But butting in every single time?? I feel like throwing the mike stand at you! I can ignore the unwanted voice and pretend as if you were some background noise. But you, you are a really noisy and annoying background noise that pisses me off big time.

I mean, when I'm talking to my lecturer/supervisor, I don't even see my own juniors butting in our conversation, trying to join in and acting smart. When lecturers or seniors or my parents are discussing about serious stuff among themselves, we don't even cut in. Why?? Because it's rude, it's rude, it's rude. Don't you get it? It isn't complicated. It's simple. It's rude. That is why we don't do it to others. Even little children can understand simple teaching like that.

You know, when you're teaching or explaining something to someone, it's important to make sure someone understands. Without interruption of any sort. But today what did I get? I was explaining something to someone, then allowing her to digest and understand. But this uncle has to butt in with his remarks and all while I was talking. Instead of being helpful (which I think he thinks he is), he was extremely disturbing. A complete nuisance. His remarks were not helping at all and to add oil to fire, more than half of it were his "jokes". Every week he's like that!

Imagine you were teaching a class of 15-20 students. Now imagine that while you were teaching, there's this one student making jokes every two sentences you say. Now tell me, how lah to maintain my blood pressure in circumstances like that???

It's sooooo embarrassing to see people who are supposedly adults (or thinks that they're adults, or wants to be treated as one) act so immature. Utterly embarrassing. What's more embarrassing is the fact that he doesn't think he's acting embarrassingly.

I could have just stopped you and said "Hey, can you not talk while I'm talking?". But heh, later I pulak yang kena complain having no big no small attitude.

Technically speaking, I am your sunbae in music. But since you're probably in your 30s, you're way older than I am which is why I'm giving you the respect by not reprimanding you. All I do is talk firmly. Which I do with great difficulty of holding in my annoyance. Even that I think some think I'm too harsh, considering you're an older person. I feel like I'm talking to a kid when I'm telling you something.

Aihhhhhhhhhhh. Got ideas on what can I do or drink to cool down?

Argh! Bloody grow up already!

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