Sunday, January 27, 2008

Gone too soon

Heath Ledger (1979-2008)

I couldn't believe it when I saw "Heath Ledger dead at 28" on Yahoo! News few days ago.

I thought my eyes were playing games with me since I had just woke up.

But after blinking several times (and knocking my head back to its senses, washing my face, etc.), I realized that it was what it was.

Then I clicked on the news, hoping that it was instead a report that he died in a movie... As in character, not the real him because that's what the media loves to do - make a headline that seems so shocking and bizarre that people will flock to the news. Like the "Paris Hilton going to Harvard" few weeks ago which turned out that she was going to collect some Harvard Lampoon award, and no she doesn't have a high IQ.

Oh God, I can't believe he's dead. He was one of the very few actors who I really admire purely because of their talent and their hard work. Leonardo Dicaprio, Matt Damon among the others, to name a few.

Was hoping that I'll wake up one day and realized that this was a bad dream. Or a really elaborate prank for earlied April's fool that went really bad.

Broken hearted lah.

Now I really wanna watch Brokeback Mountain (which is banned in Malaysia) and Dark Knight which will be playing in theaters coming July. Because there won't be any more new Heath Ledger movies. Wwaaaaaaaaahhhhh... Nnnnoooooooooo...

God bless your soul, Heath. May you find rest. We'll terribly miss you.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The worst type of people

You know what's the worst type of people?

The ones who openly show that they don't like you? No. At least you know they don't like you. And to give them credit, they don't pretend to like you to show everyone that you both are getting along just fine.

The ones who hate you so much that they want to kill you so bad, literally? No. At least you would know that you desperately need extra protection. So buy a handgun, or learn a defensive art, or if you have money hire a bodyguard from Shaolin. Or if you have even more money, hire a bodyguard and migrate overseas.

The ones who insult you at every opportunity? Haha. No. Cuz pity them, they have nothing else better to do to utilize their time.

The ones who keep blaming you for their own mistakes? Truth be known. These types, pity them, their brain cells can't effectively process any other reasons. If not, they're just finding excuses for their laziness. OK, they do get on your nerves which makes you want to yell logic into them... The first time it happens? OK, maybe it could be our fault. But if the same thing keep happening, something else is wrong. But anyway, it's them who'd be at loss, not us. Why care? So no, this type is harmless.

You know what's the worst type of people?

The ones who are so sickeningly sweet in front of other people towards you, when you both know clearly you don't get along at all and hate each others' guts, just to show that they're such sweet and friendly people. And people lluurrrrrrveee to hang around them. And when your backs are turn, they shoot poison darts and stick daggers into you. The ones who are frighteningly nice to you with other agendas up their sleeves. Why? Because these are hypocrites. These are the most cunning and destructive type. Protective of themselves and the birds that follow them. Destructive to others unconcerned. Has no problem getting their hands dirty. Even if you did nothing to them, they have no problem when it comes to getting rid of you when needed.

These are the ones you should be vary of.

Currently feeling >>> Frustrated. Nothing to do with my work. Just issues that won't go away.
Currently listening >>> Lion by Rebecca St James

Thursday, January 17, 2008

PMS = Penyakit Malang dan Sial :P

PMS. Some times it's not bad. Most times it's really bad. Very rarely it's nothing. Sometimes all you want to do is keep warm and crawled up either in bed or in front of the TV watching anything. Sometimes you want to do nothing but sleep. But you can hardly sleep with the excruciating pain keeping you awake. There goes your good night's sleep. Betul-betul babi one.

The last thing you wanna do when you have PMS is to sit in lectures and do any kind of work. But most of the time, we don't have much choice except to endure. And sometimes it just makes you do a lot of crazy things. To distract yourself, of course. Or at least, I do a lot of stuff.

1) Drink hot chocolate. In Malaysian context, hot milo pun boleh pakai lah. But real chocolate works better. I remember once I was in Hong Kong on holiday when the disaster striked. After drinking one big mug of hot chocolate which cost me a freaking HK$12 (around RM6)!??!!, I was happy for the rest of the day! Haha. I heard that eating chocolate also helps, but since I am an anti-chocolate-bar-eater, I resort to its liquid form :P

2) Watch a really lame-funny light-hearted movie. You may not be laughing all the time, but hey, at least it distracts you from the annoying pain that wouldn't go away. The one I just watched recently was The Attack of the Pin-Up Boys. Super lame.. Plot was good and had no loopholes but mannnn, it was so lame I just can't help laughing at the stupidity. Why not watch heavy movies you'd say? Because it requires me to think to enjoy the movie. And thinking uses energy. And energy = work = bad. We want rest, not work.

3) If run out of lame movies to watch, then watch a game variety entertainment show. Must be funny one ha, otherwise it won't work. How funny? Let's just say that the degree of humour is directly proportional to the magnitude of pain you're in. More pain, it better be more funny. Better be. Some examples would be Taiwan's 我猜我猜我猜猜猜 (Guess Guess Guess), or any shows with 憲哥 (Jacky Wu) or 小猪 (Show Luo) in it. My current favourite though is Korea's Super Junior Exploring the Human Body show. Learn a lot of stuff while watching, but it's super funny at the same time. What other better form of education fun can you get than from watching TV.

4) Talk/complain to your best friends about even the small little things. During normal time, these small little things wouldn't irritate at the slightest. But at this time, somehow the tolerance level and annoyance-sensitive level reaches all time low. If can get this out of the chest, I'd be as happy as a ten-year-old being told that she can eat sweets forever and not get fat!

5) Blog rubbish. Like this post :P

Currently feeling >>> Unusually moody. Must be the flu I'm getting.
Currently listening >>> Thirst (A Man in Love) - Super Junior

Saturday, January 12, 2008


The weather was crazy across Pahang. On the land which we stand on, it's bright and sunny and darn hot. Looking upwards towards the sky, we can see dark clouds and possibly heavy rain + thunderstorms in the place just several miles away. As we drove on the East Coast Highway, it was literally clear - rain (few seconds) - clear - rain (few minutes) - clear - etc.

The weather's getting unpredictable these days. The sun may be glaring down at you hard but there're growlings of thunders warning of imminent rain. Which do you trust? The bright sun or the angry thunders?

Anyway, my mom and I drove to Cherating last weekend to visit my brother at his NS camp. Suzan tagged along, since she hasn't seen that part of Peninsular Malaysia. Better three than two women driving alone right? Or women shouldn't travel alone? Haha. Well, not like we had any choice. The men we asked were busy. And we wouldn't ask non-relative men along right? It doesn't sound right. The point is, we made it there, did not get lost and made it back in one piece. Hah, take that! :P

We thought we did get lost at one point because the road which the "Pusat Latihan Khidmat Negara" sign pointed to looked like this. And the camp was so so far deep inside (around 5 km), it was hard to tell whether we were on the right road or we were lost because there were no further signages (and it was a small one) until probably few kilometers into the road. Babi punya signboards.

After the small signboard, we turned into yet another smaller road which looked like it also leads to nowhere. In front, you see trees. Look left, you see more trees. Look right, you see even more trees. Look behind, you see the trees you saw earlier on...

Yah, all you see is trees. It's a wonder how we didn't get lost here. Maybe a lot of panicking before the trip did us a lot of good. We asked 5 different people on how to get to Cherating and the camp. Haha. And we had more than two eyes on a lookout. Not so bad.

And sometimes, small rivers my brother call it. But I think they're ponds or swamps. Don't see any sign of movement or life. Tell me, how you know for sure whether you're lost or not? We ourselves were only convinced that we were on the right track when we made it to the camp. Haha.

Well, well, we finally met the celebrity of the day, with a new haircut...

Shin Chan!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Charice Pempengco

If this dude was amazing with his guitar, watch what this 14-year-old (now 15) Filipino girl can do with her talent. Trust me, you'll be shocked.

Duet with Kyu-Hun of Super Junior

On the Ellen DeGeneres show on 24 December 2007

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Just. Not. My. Day.

Today I thought I could FINALLY resume my work in the lab, given that my empty gas tank was FINALLY replaced with a full tank yesterday. Only to reach campus in the morning to find out that the gas tank regulator was missing. A lab technician took it because apparently it isn't ours. But he could have at least called the lab to inform us verbally, or if he's so so busy, scribble a note on a piece of paper (we have plenty in the lab) and leave it next to the computer or something.

But of course, yours truly here was not informed until she called their office and asked about it. Pissed off man. This is the second time in a row. Firstly was the gas tank issue - delayed because they did not know where to charge it to, and didn't call my supervisor or my lab to ask. We ask, baru they tell. 哪里不会生气?? My blood pressure also hit sky high.

Then yesterday got headache one whole day. Still feeling it today. Must have been the darn black San Francisco coffee I drunk in yesterday morning. I'm swearing off coffee for good. Don't know how people can drink espresso.

These two days some more so hot and dry. I drunk 1.1 liters of water by 3pm and still I feel dehydrated.

Then just now got accident scare. While I was exiting the campus carpark, I was about to turn out seeing that the car coming had its turn-left signal on from far ahead. As I was pressing the accelerator to turn out, I realized the car with the left signal was coming too fast and almost banging my car. Stupid lady driver. I quickly braked and change to reverse gear. Then reverse bang another car. Shit man. To avoid bang, reverse and bang another car. Great idea.

I was thinking OMG, I'm too tired to handle any argument and blaming game. I admit I didn't see the car behind me, so it was my fault. Good thing there was no damage except for a slight dent on his front number plate. Which I don't know whether it was there before I ter-bang or not. Another good thing was the driver was a pretty nice and decent guy. He brushed it off with a "It's OK lah. No big deal." When I told my mom, my mom said Monash students from good background and upbringing mah.

Well, he wouldn't have said no big deal if his bonnet looked like an accordion post-bang.

As I drove home to pick up my mom, I realized "Eh?? I didn't check my own car to see if I remuk any part eh?". Haha. My mom didn't say anything like an octagonal boot or something when I arrived home so I guess no big damage was done. Thank God! Oh God.. First time I actually ter-banged someone's car. Scary man.

Last but not least, my Maybank2U access was suddenly cut off. I don't recall entering the wrong password. I'm sure I didn't. So had to go to the bank today to work out the problem. So so tired man. Have to wait some more. Don't know what's the point of cutting off access because I haven't been accessing Maybank2U in a long long time. I still have my account alive. Hah, at least I got my access back today.

My mom and I were supposed to go to Cherating for the weekend to visit my brother at his national service camp. My dad's not free. But he's not happy either on the idea of us going by ourselves. Don't know why he's so fussy. He must be in a bad mood. First say better go on Saturday, stay one night, then come back on Sunday, so that we don't tire ourselves from driving 8 hours the whole day. Then he says go on Sunday morning and come back in the evening, because got 2 drivers - shouldn't be tiring right? Eeeee.. I dowan. Whole day driving ho.. my mom will never drive at Cherating.

So now we still don't know how. Ahhhh, bising lah.