Friday, May 11, 2007

Annoying things people do

on the road (when you're behind the wheel)
@ not signalling before cutting into your lane just three feet in front of you. ask them why and they might sheepishly mumble something under their breath about simply "i forgot" and being troublesome. hopefully not "ohhh. you mean that stick thing is for signalling?"

@ hogging two lanes.. being neither in one lane nor the other. and slow. making it entirely impossible to deduce which direction to overtake it and overtaking it itself.

@ tailing so close behind. it would be like his/her car is trying to kiss my car's rear end, and i'm desperately trying to save my car from being a victim of car-molest.

@ cuts in few feet in front of you from your right when you're already going fast with no intention to turn at this junction, and immediately brakes super hard to turn left. i swear this was the first time i thought i was going to be in a serious accident. my own neighbour did this to me. i don't know if he knows.

@ (traffic light's green) drives ever so slowly; (traffic light turns orange) suddenly speeds up like crazy; (traffic light's red) you are the one left behind waiting for it to turn green again.

@ parking their cars as though their great-grandfather owned the road.

@ driving their cars as though their great-grandmother owned the road.

@ don't look left, don't look right, just turn. yahhh, nyawa tu tak nak ke? gila.

@ turning a three-lane road to five lanes. others in the line have waited a fair share of their time in the traffic jam.. what makes you think you're above them? if you were running late, you should start your journey earlier. don't jump queue. line up and wait your turn.

on the road (when you're walking)
@ speed up when they notice that you're attempting to cross the road, then honk loudly when they have to brake for you (right!) as if it was your fault.

@ drive by dangerously near you, honking loudly to get your attention by shouting "aaahhhhhh mmmoooiii! mau pigi mana????", and flashing their cheesy miang hamsap nauseating smile at you when you glare at them. the trick is to never glare at them.

in the cinema
@ talking loudly with their friends or talking back to the screen. trying to be impressive? bleh. so un-cool.

@ mr. know-it-all-storyteller.. you know, the one who loudly (and proudly while at that) informs his family/friends what will happen next, who dies, etc. why bother coming if you already know the story. i didn't pay ten bucks to sit in the movie theater for you to narrate the story to me.

@ parents bringing kids to the movies for a 2-hour plus show. ok. i'm not against family outings to the movies. i would understand if it's shrek or lion king or finding nemo. what i don't understand is why do some even bother bringing kids as young as one or two-year-olds to watch spiderman or pirates of the carribean where..
(1) they won't understand a single thing that's going on (even i don't understand lord of the rings, you think they would?)
(2) it's a freaking long movie. with a short attention span kids have, you can't expect them to be able to sit still for long right?
(3) scary monsters/creatures (like those seen in pirates) would definitely send a child trembling in fear and crying with nightmares, rather than giggling with glee at their utter cuteness.

@ even if you must bring, please at least make sure that your child...
(1) don't go and massage-scratch-whack other people's head, kick the chair, pull their hair... can have traumatic head injuries and concussion one you know.
(2) is able to sit still and quiet for that long. but i highly doubtlah. it's not wrong. it's not their fault. they're just kids.
(3) is not afraid of the dark that once the lights go off, the baby choir starts.

phone calls
@ call you via the house phone after 10pm when he/she very well has my handphone number.

@ refuses to hang up the phone even though i keep reminding him that i was eating my dinner and had more IMPORTANT (stress that word) stuff to do than keep him entertained just because he was bored and had nothing to do. firstly, it's not my job to entertain you because i'm not your girlfriend. secondly, how good can his prospect be to be a boyfriend if all he does is ignore and dismiss whatever you say as if they're insignificant, acts as though he's the most important in my life, and giggling all the way with no respect for me? zero. immature.

life is as interesting as it gets. i can tell you that this list will never end... any other suggestions?

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