Friday, May 25, 2007

Penang Invasion (Part 1)

Well, it is our final year together. We, MUFYians and Monashians, decided that we just have to have a holiday trip together. You know.. do something together besides discussing assignments, reports, tests and more reports before they become all we ever talk about. Science students!

Talk about boring. Hahaa.

After much needed planning and research, in the end only Adillah, Suzan and I could make it for the Penang trip during the mid-sem break in April. Of course, we hop on the bus there and back. Nobody else knew how to drive except for me. I'd never wanna drive all the way there, around there and back here by myself. I need a break too! Have mercy!!

Anyway. Due to a case of unfortunate event (motherboard kaboom), I only managed to get the pictures few days ago. And there are tons of them. Which I will edit and post them up slowly.

We stayed in YMCA, which we paid around RM60+ each for 2 nights. Good deal? Cheap leh... that *points to the picture up there* was the view from our room. At least we didn't get some dirty back lane view. We're glad to report that the bed is clean, there is air-conditioning, no cockroaches (yay!), toilet bowl and toilet seat are intact, bathroom is well-litted, the TV has all six channels, and despite having three single beds already, there is plenty of room for 3 others to roll out their sleeping bags.

Yes, the room was that big.

First Stop: Penang Botanical Garden, otherwise known as monkey park.

Look! Suzan has a new friend. But seriously, that is just one of the hundreds of monkeys wandering freely in the park. As long as you don't provoke them, they will ignore you. Which was good. Except for this particular small mischievous Malay boy purposely shouting and throwing stuff at the monkeys and then hiding behind his parents from the furious monkeys with this frightened look on his face.

You'd think he'd learn his lesson and stopped at his mischievous antics there but no. After the monkey calmed down and walked away, this boy came out from his hiding place and shouted some more, infuriating it even more that a whole gang of monkeys ran towards all the homo sapiens nearby in a confrontational manner, thinking we're all threats. We walked quickly in the other direction, each praying to our own God that the monkeys won't follow us.

I have their distant relatives wandering in my backyard. No thanks to the construction of the KL-Putrajaya Highway which cleared the forest behind my house. there goes their home. Now they're the Los Lonely Monkeys.

This is how you show your love to the environment Adillah's way. Hahaa.

Each of these trees you see along the way as you walk through the garden has a small signpost with its common name, scientific name, characteristics and other details. So it is educational and maybe fascinating for people who come here.

For me, I've had enough of plant scientific names, purposes and uses when we did Agriculture & Biotechnology subject. It was more than a year ago but definitely was the most wayyyy hazardously overloaded with coursework subject ever. Plus, doing that subject alongside other hardcore subjects like Instrumental Analysis, Biochemistry and Health Physiology didn't help either. It was, by far, the worst and most nightmarish semester i've ever had. Ever. EVer. EVEr. EVER.

OK. The bad part about visiting this garden on weekdays was that all of the mini-gardens were all locked up. All we could do was see, point and marvel at the plants from the outside.

And take pictures outside. Since we can't go in. What great "fun".

Well, at least we need not worry about tripping over our own shoelaces, falling and landing our butts onto the cactus.

Goodness gracious. My fingers are so chubby... so non-pianist-like (long and lean). Who would ever believe that I actually play the piano with fingers like that? Unless, of course, they actually heard me play before. Sigh.

Come let us revise the whorls of a flower. From the outermost to the innermost - sepals, petals, stamens, carpel. Hehehe. That alone wouldn't help much in genetics finals.

That's it for day one.

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