Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Penang Invasion (Part 3)

Penang has mosques, churches and temples at every single corner!!!

One of the many many MANY mosques, temples and churches we saw on our way to Fort Cornwallis. Yes, we walked again. And while we're at it, I was in the process of being chronically burned chilli-red by the sun. Now i have horrible tan lines. I don't know how angmohs, gora and goree could actually love our hot sun and willingly sunbathe all in the name of beauty. Siao! The burns were so painful. SPF30 sunblock didn't help. Next time I'll use SPF100. If i can find any. is there such a thing? Hhmmmm.

Third Stop: Fort Cornwallis

Fort Cornwallis is a really old fort built in 1786 during the British colonial era, supposedly to protect Penang from being attacked by French (a big enemy) or Dutch (another big enemy) or other big shots (why do they like to make enemies so much?). But the first thing we saw was this Sepoy Hut with this mysterious tall, dark and handsome man. Hahaha. Adillah was teaching Suzan and I how to play congkak. Yes, I was born a Malaysian, raised up in Malaysia, lived my entire life here and YET have no clue how congkak is played. So memalufying.

The funny part was while they were playing, the other tourists there started watching them play and snapping photos of them playing. Overnight stardom :P

Then there were many galleries there with dozens of historical artifacts which the archaeologists found on exhibition there. There were also a great many charts with all the history of Penang, Syarikat Hindia Timur Inggeris (sorry, only know this in Malay)... and especially on Francis Light - where and when he got married, who he was married to, how many children, how many grandchildren, his parents, what they do for a living, who his wife remarried to after he died... seriously, you want to know Francis Light, go there.

Adillah and I went through the exhibition galleries pretty quick because it was like a Sejarah revision course all over again. Seen them all, read them all, and were even tested on them. And I hated Sejarah the most back in high school. Not so fascinating for us as it was for Suzan. We went to play masak-masak, while waiting for the princess to be done exploring the exhibition.

Brylcreem found among the artifacts?? Wah. Francis Light used Brylcreem.

Penjajah #1: Go bomb the lamp post! It's blocking the beautiful sight of the sea!
Penjajah #2: Ay-Ay captain! (turns to penjajah #3) You heard what the captain said! Destroy the lamp post!

Penjajah #3: Lerr.. sabar lerr. The cannon takes a while to load and warm up. Around 10 more minutes, ok?

Tak sempat bomb.

Penjajah #3: See.. ask you all to invest in machine gun, don't want to listen. Kan lebih senang.
Penjajah #1: No money mah.
Penjajah #2: Nevermind. Kita bersuka-ria bersama-sama di penjara (let's be happy together-gether in jail)!


  1. congkak!!! yay! i also know how to play it!!! lol. we also have this game in india! =) and yep! your style of photo shooting is true...titled ones and landscape ones.... =) lovely pictures btw! hahaha...if i had come there...then you wouldn't have a problem at all about the languages the ppl would talk in!!! lol. ;) love the prison photos! so cute! who would want to lock you all up?! *touch wood* =p see you tom!

  2. Ah?! Got paparazzi snapping pictures while were were playing congkak? I didn't know... Should've posed nicer. Muahaha.

  3. Haha.....never mind's all in the natural pose that makes the photo nice!!! =) see you soon. lol. you've all become stars i can see! =D
