Friday, August 25, 2006

Yours truly, the un-Malaysianized Malaysian.

Congratulations Daesi, you are 60% not Malaysian.

That means you're as Malaysian as...

Guy Sebastian !

How Un-Malaysian Are You?

mannn... i have been living in malaysia all my life.

there were some questions though in the "un-malaysian test" based on the malaysian mindset. like what do you do when you see some stranger smile at you. i knew the right "typical malaysian" reply. i think. it was the "glaring back" answer. but i chose another answer. i think glaring or staring at others, even if they're strangers, is really rude and should not be anybody's practice. unless, of course, the person is looking at you suggestively and disrespectfully, making those really annoying kissy sounds and calling out "ah moiii.." or other irritating-cheesy equivalents.

tempted to slap them, right? just visualize yourself slapping them lah. there, you can beat them up all you want without getting sued for attempted murder. slap them with a big smelly trout, pour yucky expired campbell's soup on them, throw rotten tomatoes, slippers, pots.. that'll be enough. in reality, it's better to ignore and look away, pretending you didn't hear them. that hurts their ego all the more than if you give them the evil eye which only shows you "respond" to them which is totally disgusting anyway. besides, we get to keep our heads and not let them degrade us or ruin our day.

yet the bigger portion of me is un-malaysian. adding on to the fact that i don't even look like a malaysian chinese - a fact i established and become resigned to after i've met hundreds of people (strangers and friends alike) who thought i was everything else but a malaysian chinese at first sight. the most popular guesses being korean and japanese. yaa, even faceanalyzer says that (see here). don't know why. maybe my features just don't add up. my eyes too sepet, skin and complexion different and/or weirder than others. and being one who speaks fluent english and malay, but only a fair amount of mandarin (just enough to survive), nano-cantonese, hokkien of highly limited vocabulary and no other dialects, just adds on to it. my bad?? my bad.

even at times, i get people guessing that i'm baba nyonya (peranakan). now, i get surprised and excited when people actually guess my race right.. just like an excited child gleefully tearing open her birthday presents and discovering what's beneath all the mysterious wrappings. at the same time, i find them odd when they actually guess correctly.

the truth is i am a product of mixed heritage. i am three-quarters chinese, one-eighth iban and one-eighth malay (don't know if it's local or indonesian). there, it's all out in the open. no more secrecy. not like it's been a huge secret anyway.

ssshhhhhh... i have another secret. i am supposed to be studying for my mid-semester food microbiology test now you know.. which is this weekend. heyyy... it's already weekend. damn. oh well.


  1. I tried the quiz and I got 55% not Malaysian... Haha.

  2. .......


    my goodness. i'm even more un-malaysian than you.. i am so not malaysian.

    to be malu or not to be malu?

  3. Haha. Well, to be a Malaysian or not, I think it's all just arbitrary terms. Like what I learned in WRT2407 *cough cough*, we are all hybrids. Look at the language we use to communicate with each other, the music we listen to, the food we eat... We are all hybrids to a certain extent, meaning we are never pure. To categorize things neatly into fit squares is sometimes unnecessary in this instance.

    Or... It can mean another thing. I adapt so well here that I now can mimic a Malaysian. Muahahaha...

  4. awwwwwww...... Guy Sebastian so handsome! wakakakakak
