Thursday, August 17, 2006

One fine badminton day

only god knows it's been how long since i last held a badminton racquet... or is it racket? could never understand why it was necessary to have two different spellings (british and american) for the same word referring to the same thing. maybe it's just for the hell of confusing us. grew up reading american novels and learning british english in school (malaysia's a former british colony mah).. the confused me made it through english classes. hahaa. i used to avoid using words which i'm not sure in my essays. in fact i think i hardly use bombastic jargons. my friends are my witnesses. keep it simple = my motto. i can understand, others can understand (i hope).

anyway, i went playing badminton with my dad and brother in bukit jalil today in the evening. yes i still know how to hold the racquet the right way. missed many few quite a number of easy shots here and there.. haven't played for almost three years now, you think can straight away play like a pro seasoned amateur har? i wish. hahaa. i used to be able to play both right-handed and left-handed - better with right hand though. but logically if you don't use anything for a long long time, it gets rusty somehow. needs polishing to run smoothly now.

back when i was in high school, i used to play badminton once a week and swim twice a week. i can tell you that after years of morphing into a potato couch (or rather, a "professional" typist after years of endless typing thanks to college) and hibernating from sports, my backhand sucks big time.. can retrieve using backhand but man, it's so freaking weak and embarrassing. needs tons of work.

new discovery... playing doubles with my brother needs more work. no kidding. we can only play when he's on my right. wondering why? for my part, i have to cover my side of the court (logically self-explanatory). in addition to that, i also have to cover his backhand side of the court cuz he says, "i don't play backhand". eeesshhhh. well... well...

tomorrow, i'll most probably be complaining about my muscle aches like old lady merengek-rengek. some more got two lab sessions. what joy. how on earth am i gonna micropipette anything steadily and correctly?? if there's gel electrophoresis, skali tercucuk 'tu gel.. there goes the results. hahahaa. in the report, write "the error was most probably due to bad handling of the micropipettes - thanks to daesi. therefore, it is highly recommended that daesi should never never NEVER be allowed to micropipette any reagents or samples or be involved in the experiment at all, particularly if her arms have been subjected to prolonged stress and vigorous movements the day before to avoid getting out-of-the-ordinary results in near future. EVER!" maybe dr kan will give 10/10 for that. hahahaa. fat chance.


  1. Once you get better, you'll have a more enjoyable time playing badminton. I'm glad to see more and more people are discovering and enjoying this sport. :-)

  2. "if there's gel electrophoresis, skali tercucuk 'tu gel.."

