Sunday, January 1, 2006

Reflections on 2005

Glad to see 2005 go?
Yeah. Always happy to welcome a new year. The old has to go before the new can come, right?

Age turned in 2005?
Twenty years.

Did you change your hair in 2005? How?
I've had this really long hair since high school. Just a month back, I chopped those long locks off. So now it's layered around shoulder length. And my bangs are back after 5 years of MIA. Planning to dye my hair sooner or later this year.

The best part of 2005?
Mmm.. how about FINALLY completing my freshman year? Or maybe going carolling with my sister's church team in TimeSquare? Watching Greg Sanders finally becoming a full-fledged CSI on the field? Cheesy. Hahaaa. My brother getting straight A's in his PMR? Oh, ooohhhhh. I know! The best part was when my sister announced her engagement!

The worst part of 2005?
Writing four lab reports per week. Results for my reCent semester.. was nothing Close to inCredible and hardly satisfaCtory.

Did you make any new friends in 2005? Who?
Yeah. They were mainly classmates whom I didn't get the opportunity to know better last year. And then, there are the lab senior staffs and fellow student trainees in Assunta Hospital.

Any new crushes in 2005? Who?
Maybe.. that's for me to know and for you to find out.

Do they know?
Hahaa. That's for him to know and for me to find out (???)

Who will you never forget?
Well, I'll never forget those I'll never forget. Those that I've forgotten are already forgotten.

Who did you wish you did not meet?
Have no idea.

Did you fall in love in 2005?
Yep.. I fell in love with this baby!

Toyota Lexus!
Find out all about it here!

Did you catch someone in a lie in 2005?
Yeah. But well, it isn't right to call him a liar. I'm not so sure about the whole situation either. Maybe part of his character was cunning. Had to make me feel guilty by getting scolded by him even though it wasn't entirely my fault that I couldn't make it to the seminar last minute with the lecturers all fixing replacement classes on the SAME date at the LAST minute. Told me that the fees were already paid by him and that I had to pay him back whether or not I could make it. Then, my brother called to tell me that it wasn't paid at all. And what did I do? Just shut my mouth up and not say a word. Shocked I was.

Did you call them out?
Nope. I let it go. Furious, I was. But all is forgiven. Don't wanna make issues worse than it already is.

Did you get caught in a lie? What was it?
Hehh? Don't think so. Heheh.

Funniest moment of 2005?
I know there are plenty. If only I could recall any one of them. Hehehe.

Most embarrassing moment of 2005?
... Not quite sure if I had any.

The funniest thing you saw on TV in 2005?
Mmm. I doubt I would be able to recall any funny scenes in particular. But I could tell you that I had my most laughs from watching Everybody Loves Raymond, House, Scrubs, Monk.

The funniest thing you heard on the radio?
.......................................................... if only it was memorably funny.

Did you take any vacations in 2005? Where?
Hong Kong, Sibu (going back to hometown counted right?) and Genting (getting really, really, reeeeeaalllllyyyyy bored of it).

Any new hobbies of 2005?
Messing around with my dad's digital camera..

Did you get a new job in 2005?
Well, I started my current "job" at a hospital lab in December. So that's my job. More like, that's my first EVER job.

Did you lose a job in 2005?
Nope. They can't fire me cuz I'm not paid and I'm only a student trainee. They could however give a bad review about me to my lecturer. Then I would be a fried fish when I return for my next semester.

Did you host a party in 2005?
Nope. 2005 was rather a quiet year for my family and I.

Did you get in any car accidents in 2005?
No. So far my record's pretty squeaky clean.

Did you get a ticket in 2005?
Naahhh, never gotten one in my whole life either.

Were you ever arrested in 2005? Wanna say for what?
Nope. Eat your hearts out.

Where did most of your money go?
You kidding? My university fees lar! What else? Hehehe. Christmas shopping.. either for presents for close friends and relatives or clothes for myself. Hahaa. Oh yeah, and also birthday gifts ahead of time. Heheh.

What song will always remind you of 2005?
"Lonely no more" by Rob Thomas and "Dare you to move" by Switchfoot.. gotta love those songs! Prob listened to them the most times.

What do you wish you'd done more of?
Sleep. Study.

What do you wish you'd done less of?
Procrastinating. Noticed that this post is dated Jan 2, but is only posted 2 days later?

Thing you were really good at in 2005?
Typing, typing, typing. With all those lab reports and assignments to do every week, I think typing is my only "skill" that was really polished.

Thing you wish you were better at in 2005?
Wished my results for the second half of the year were better than it turned out to be.

In 2005, did you lie to miss a day of work / school?
Come to think of it, no. I wouldn't lie to miss my classes. I would just feel like not going and then don't go. Get any one of my friends to sign in for me if the lecturer's taking attendance. As for work, I haven't missed any of my work days except for the leave I took for Christmas celebrations.

Did you have a sleep over in 2005?
Nope. I'm a dull person. I don't like sleepovers. Hahaha.

Did you make-out in public in 2005?

Did you drink too much in 2005?
Drink water? Hahaa. I know, this reply is getting kinda lame over time. But questions musn't be ambiguous.

Did you go to any concerts? Which ones?
Went for the "Heal the nation" concert in Glad Tidings PJ, Cheras Christian Youth concert in IYC Cheras.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005:
I learnt that some people aren't always what they seem in the first place. I learnt that people can be nice to you to your face and at the same time, backstab you in front of your friends. I learnt to stand up for myself and say "no" when I mean it.

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