Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Movies - to watch or not to watch - in 2006


I'm a big fan of Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi kicks butt and we have our very own Datuk Michelle Yeoh in it. More than enough reasons to watch it right? I've always wanted to read the novel though, ever since Ashley recommended it to me (which was ages ago while we were still trotting around in school uniforms). But I've never gotten around to doing it. That's why I wanna watch it. And maybe read the novel after that.

My decision: Watch it at all cost! Gonna watch it on Feb 4th with Suzan and Madhu.. where else? Sunway Pyramid-lar.


I LOVE the book to bits. Therefore, I must watch the movie! Plus, Suzan (friend from university) gave it a thumb's up. If you didn't know her, she's one tough chick who rarely gives good rating.

My decision: Should grab hold of Michele somewhere in February and go watch this movie.. that is if she hasn't watched it yet lar. And if it's still showing in the cinema. Is it still showing after CNY?


This new Superman has quite an uncanny resemblance to the late Christopher Reeve, doesn't he? Just out of curiosity.. if this story supposedly takes place after Superman returns from years of hiatus, how come he and Lois Lane seems to be getting younger and not older? Bluff people one. Hhhoooorrrr.. Superman went for plastic surgery ar?

My decision: Watching superhero flying around flashing his underwear with underwear worn on the outside.. Do I love Superman so much to go watch the movie?


I want to watch this one!!! It's got Heath Ledger in his award-nominated role and a possible nod for the Oscars too. But this award-winning movie is not coming to Malaysia. Even if it does anyway, I seriously doubt it'll even pass the censorship boards.

My decision: Guess I'll have to wait until the Sri Petaling VCD rental shop comes out with the VCDs for rent.. which will be months later. Waaaa..


I loved Tomorrow Never Dies. I liked The World is Not Enough. But the 10 bucks I paid to see Die Another Day was just purely wasted. Now, I'm not sure I would watch James Bond anymore. Imagine him would say, "My name is Blonde, James Blonde."

My decision: Eeeessshhhh. See first-lah. I won't watch it on the opening week. Get opinions from those who watch it first. If it's good, I'll consider it. I like a good action-packed movie that makes me think and has a good plot. Not just merely tembak-tembak-here, tembak-tembak-there, everywhere-jump-jump, roaring loudly and thumping chest. Oops.. it's James Bond, not King Kong).

Read the book already, but wasn't a big fan of it. I preferred DVC's prequel "Angels and Demons" *two thumbs up*. Just makes me wonder how they are gonna portray the dead man in the beginning.. is he really gonna be nude as stated in the book? Kinda significant cuz it holds the key to all mysteries behind the main plot. But I still wasn't really surprised at all by the plot of DVC, the bad guy turned out to be EXACTLY who I thought it would be. And the girl who was Jesus's supposedly great-great-granddaughter (how many "great"s were there eh?)? I'd guessed it from page one.

My decision: As much as I'm a [ H U G E ] fan of Tom Hanks, I may not watch it. But we'll see.


Why should you watch it?
>> One: Captain Jack Sparrow.
>> Two: Johnny Depp.
>> Three: Orlando Bloom (for the ladies) / Kiera Knightley (for guys)
(Select where applicable)
>> Four: Smart-alec quotes.. darn good ones too.

"Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid." - Jack Sparrow

My decision: Whataya asking mate? It's Captain Jack Sparrow.. savvy?


No offense to Tom Cruise and his legions (?) of fans, but I just don't like him. He annoys the living lights out of me. Period.

My decision: If you like MI movies, I have one mission impossible for ya - Try and get me, Daesi, and my lazy butt to watch MI3. Like sponsoring my movie ticket, for example *hint hint*


  1. daily romantiz lifzzzzJanuary 25, 2006 at 7:50 AM

    I don't like the first movie.... but i like the MI3 got ah? When??

  2. Huh? What? You were referring to me ah? *Blur*

    Assuming it was me, no I haven't seen it yet. (Pride and Prejudice) Was thinking of seeing it though... never got around to it. Now I know why - ahem... like "divine appointment" leh, to go with you? Hehe... Eh, you asking me out ah? ;-)

    I don't remember if I have ever come in contact with that story before. Heard the title lots of time of course, but just don't recall if I even saw it on TV... But yeah, it would be good to see it. I love stuff with olden days dressing wan...

    Also yeah, that new younger Superman does freakishly look like the older one wan... saw him at the Golden Globe I think. They're not related, right?

    I also like Heath Ledger's work. Enjoyed the "A Knight's Tale".

  3. jas, geisha wasnt nice meh? haha, but i'll still watch it anyway. going to watch in on feb 4.

    yeah, michele.. let's go kai kai (hang out) together. divine appointment. good telepathy eh? the week after i come back from hong kong (after feb 4), you choose one day lar. then i go book tickets. okie dokie?

  4. Going on Feb 4 to see movie also ah? With whom? Eh, you two timing me ah? Hehehe...

    On the date, probably that T3 day lar, but I'll have to see that week... now still far away. I guess we'll keep in touch, okies? Sigh, 'tis a pity thine kin traveleth far and wide for the looming Oriental New Year, for the week off doth bringeth much leisure. Yet alas, for mine perception but speaks forth that the uh... "amphitheater" may be full to bursting in such seasons of festivity.

    *Ahem* Temporary Old English fever gone now. Okay what... going to see something from around that era osso... Hehehe...

    Talk to ya soon.

  5. aihhh. what "two timing" larrr... talk properly lar. you making me sound as though i'm not credible or trustworthy as a person. why, go out with friends oso must ask permission from other people ah?with whom am i watching geisha? didnt i state in my blog entry eh?

  6. Hehe... you're only not a credible or trustworthy person if you are a guy in this instance. ;-)

    Wai! It's just the usual joke lah! Eh, bring me something back from Hong Kong ah? *Hint hint* No lar, not one Chinese apek, for heaven's sake! Hahaha...
