Friday, January 27, 2006

Me very happy.

Me had Me last day of work today.
Me finish industrial training.
Me hApPy, tired and [ r e l i e v e d ].
Me now back to student life.

Me also marvel at how time flies.
And Me will definitely miss the staff and fellow trainees at work.
But Me hApPy cuz Me now can wake up later than 6.30 am.

Me really need time off before new semester starts anyway.
So, Me thank God for holiday.
Me need to have a life now before monash rob Me of Me life later.

Me want to do a LOT of things.
Me want to go swimming..
Me need to go watch movies.
Me want to laze around chill out at home and with friends.
Me want to pray to God for Me destiny and direction.
Me hope me will find a great church to settle down.
Me pray that me energy and mind will be fully replenished and STRONG.
Me also pray the same for Me family and friends.

Oh, and Me pray for lots of angpow money this CNY! :P

And Me hApPy cuz Me flying to Hong Kong-Shenzhen tomorrow to see Daddy.
And also to go shopping and to be lazy!

Oh no! Me forgot that me have something important to do.
:( Me have to go now.
Cuz Me just remembered Me haven't started packing for the trip.
So Me have to say bye-bye.
Me dunno whether Me blog or not when in Shenzhen.

In advance, Me wishes everyone Happy Chinese New Year!

This is Me, Daesi, signing out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Me also want to comment on your post! Me also happy that you have finished your work. Me wonders how it went. Me wishes you Bon Voyage! Me is wishing you have a nice time. Me is looking forward to Feb 4th. Me is going to go out now. So Me is going to say Bye. ;) I also can do the same huh Fish? LOL....Bon Voyage! Have a great time! Gong Xi Fa Cai! =)
