Saturday, December 24, 2005

Blessed Christmas!

Ah Beng in the Lord’s army
Ah Beng was backsliding for a while but he finally returned to church after a long absence. On his way out, his Pastor asked him...

"Ah Beng, are you in the Lord’s army?"

Ah Beng promptly replied, "Yes Pastor, I have always been in the Lord’s army."

Then the pastor said, "But I noticed you come to church only during Christmas and Easter? How can that be considered being in the Lord’s army?

Ah Beng looked worried for a moment and thought deeply how to answer his Pastor. After a while, he began to smile and replied his pastor," Aaaaiyaahh Pastor, I am in the Lord’s Secret Service mah..."

Wishing you a great and amazing year in 2006! That you'll have..
Great health

Great appetite (well.. that's where your energy comes from right?)

Great and loving relationship with your family and loved ones

Find your soulmate if you are single

Or get married soon if you'd already found yours

If you are a guy, wish that you increase in intelligence and macho-ness

If you are a girl, wish that you become more beautiful, talented and charming

And that you'd grow spiritually, mentally and physically (if you still have your growth spurt lar) in whatever ways you can

And most of all, wishing you exceeding joy, great miracles and blessings overflowing every second of the day!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

My story about a boy

This is Enoch. On this day, he is 14 years, 11 months and 23 days old.

Born in 1990 on the New Year's Eve in Kuala Lumpur to Dr and Mrs Loh.

Started kindergarten at the age of 4 years and 2 days old. Know why he doesn't show his teeth when he smile? Ahahahaa. That's for you to go ask him. I can only tell you that something happened when he was 2 years old.

By age 9, he'd crossed the deserts of Egypt, seen its pyramids and posed with the nose-less Great Sphinx.

... Rode a camel and climbed up Mount Sinai (Camel not really camera-friendly.. so no pic with the camel. Sorry.)

And by 10, experienced few weeks of fast-paced life in Hong Kong and winter snow in Beijing. Of course, conquered the Great Wall of China! Well... not all of it.

Was determined even at a young age to be a great businessman just like his daddy.

So he studied...

And he studied really hard..

And he studied... EVEN harder.

Can see that he "studied" so much hor.. But guess what wor?

Fuiyoh.. Way to go man! This dude iS my brother! *Bangga*

Monday, December 5, 2005

Me, myself and my work!

Yes, you read THAT right! To those who knew me from way back then (like Trnjit, Zuhaili, SuetWan, Keren, King, etc.), you guys probably can't imagine me WORKING right? Hahahaa. I also couldn't imagine myself working right up to the second day of my training! Did a lot of observing and asking questions on my first 2 days. Only started doing work (i.e. blood analysis) on the third day.

Anyway, I'd just started my industrial training at Assunta Hospital laboratory. The industrial training is compulsory for all Monash's Biomedical Science students, so being a Biotech-Biomedical student, I had no choice. Having said that, it doesn't imply that I don't like working or that I was forced unwillingly like a big stubborn spoiled baby to do something I didn't like. It's just that I have not work before. So this experience is entirely new to me and the atmosphere definitely felt foreign initially. Even though I don't get paid, at least I'm learning a lot and doing something useful instead of lazing around at home (and end up getting fatter and flatter bum at the end of the holidays).

It was a good thing that I didn't give up my spot in Assunta though. Very convenient for me. The drive from my house to Assunta (and vice versa) is approximately 20-25 minutes, and most days there's no traffic congestion. Just imagine if I was assigned to Sunway Medical Centre (SMC), it would probably take 40-50 minutes from my area, with added bonus of that "fantastic" mourning morning traffic at the Sunway Toll. Hey Suzan! Since your workplace is so near mine, come we go out eat lunch together one day! Hahahaa. Assunta's cafeteria food not so bad ehh.

(In reply to Madhulika @ KingKong) My working hours are from 8.30am to 5pm, and I work from Monday to Friday every week. I'm not so sure about SMC though cuz from what I heard from the first batch, they only started at 12pm, that is on the first day of course. And apparently they don't get hands-on work. But I'm not definitely sure. Maybe you could call SMC the day before you are to report to ask them for your reporting time and place. My supervisors are pretty nice and friendly people.. approachable, ready to teach and answer your questions. Some will teach you as much as they can. Some are less willing to teach and these are the ones you have to take real initiative to bombard them with questions. What do I want from India hmmmm.. I seriously dunno. Anything would do, really ;-) Can't wait to see all of you guys soon! Missing your company already!
Well, this has been a report on my first 2 weeks of work. Will come back to you at the end of my 8 weeks of training with a full, detailed report. Signing out!

Saturday, December 3, 2005

Summer holidays!

Things I've done during the first month of my summer holidays:
1) Shop, shop, SHOP! Hahaa. Great remedy for me!
2) Went back to Sibu for 3 days to visit my grandma, uncle and aunties there.
3) Cut off my long locks.. thought it was really getting too long and tangled up. Now it's shoulder length after 4 years! Hahahaa. Probably will keep it this short. Easy to manage.
4) Started my industrial attachment (training) in Assunta Hospital.. will be there for 2 months until 31st Jan. Currently assigned to Blood Bank Unit, where they analyze blood samples and donor-patient compatibility. Got to analyze my own blood. Definite O positive. After 2 weeks, God knows what unit I'll be headed to.
5) Watched Chicken Little - My rating: Not good enough for B, but too funny to be rated B-.. so how? Beh yao kin lah.
6) Watched Harry Potter and the Globlet of Fire - My rating: B to B+ region. Can tell that too many details were left out in the movie, even though I did not read the book. The Prisoner of Azkaban is still my fave (so far have only read one HP novel.. which is Prisoner of Azkaban of course!) Next movie: Chronicles of Narnia!!!
7) Read 2 Dan Brown novels - Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons. One I like, one really failed to capture my interest. Guess which is which eh? Will tell you in later entries, with my comments and reasons.

Got this survey off Elaine's blog. Long time me no blog. For what reasons? Hooked on my pc games. Probably sick of typing and typing and typing during on-going semester. No ideas on what to write.. WELL.. maybe not. I have many ideas on what to write, just can't get myself to start typing. Hah, classic example of procrastination. Need to get rid of that.

If any of the following statements apply to you, just BOLD and italicize it. Got it?

i have a cell phone.
i have friends that use me. in my younger days, not now. blessed with great friends!
i am an only child.
i love dangly earrings. gots lots of em! whatudu, now you can get 3 dangly earrings for rm10 only. cant resist. hahaa.
i love cold weather. for me, anything colder than 33 celcius is a luxury in malaysia. but when the weather gets frightfully cold, thanks but no thanks. see, too much of anything is not good.
i'm obsessed with the computer.
i have shot a gun before. water gun counted ah?
i can't live without music.
i have no tolerance of ignorant people. not so sure about this one
i have ridden on a motorcycle before.
i'll be in this town forever. not so sure about this one either, but i doubt it. i cant sit quietly at one place for a long time. "itchy butt".
i've been to 5 other countries.jordan, egypt, israel, china, australia. there! done!
i get annoyed easily. only when i'm in a bad mood
i eventually want kids.
i have neat handwriting.
i have more than a few horrible memories. got-lar some.
i am addicted to chocolate.
i am an atheist.
i love airplane rides.
i love taking pictures.
i hate people who are fake. period.
i can be mean when i want to. but i hate being mean.
my parents care about my grades. my parents care so strongly about my grades when i was in school. and i hated it. now that i'm in university, my parents dont know nor pressure me on my results, but i care so much about my grades. and i still hate it.
one of my best friends is a girl.
i have way too many wallets.
i'm obsessed with lip gloss. not exactly obsessed, but you know.. gotta keep them moisturized.
i am easy to talk to.
i would never eat raw fish.
i cry easily. used to, in my younger days. maybe it still does apply now, but only when i'm under tremendous pressure, or tears of joy, or disappointments.
i hate when people are late.
i procrastinate. didn't i just mention this earlier?
i love winter. i love snow!
i have too many clothes for my closet/dresser.
i love to sleep.
i wish i were smarter. as always.
i'm afraid of flying.
i hate drama.
i bite my nails. when i'm nervous.
i have been on an 8 hour drive. yeah, from penang to kluang, johor.
i never fight with my parents. now this would be down-right lying.
i love the beach.
i have never had the chicken pox. never got measles either.
i have gone out in public in my pajamas. toddler that time lar.
i can't control my emotions.
i have a best friend. i have more than just one best friend.
i have moved more than once.
i truly love my friends. truly blessed beings and always been a blessing indeed
i have (had) braces.
i have never broken a bone. never been admitted into the hospital either.
i hate my computer.
i love girls that play the drums.
i state the obvious. *scratches head* do i? dunno.
i'm a happy person. the joy of the lord is my strength!
i love to dance.
i love to sing.
i love cleaning my room.
i tend to get jealous very easily.
i love cute underwear.
i love night better than day.
i don't like to study for tests. dont like to study under pressure. only like to study for pleasure. hahaa.
i have been on the phone for over 5 hours. crazy ah? my ears scream "help!" after an hour!
i am too forgiving.
i have horrible sense of direction.
i miss elementary school.
i'm a daddy's boy/girl.
i love the color pink. i like happy, bright colours.
i love to sew.
my eye color changes.
i should see a therapist. i'm so miserable during on-going semesters. hahahaa.
i played on a girls sports team.
i become stressed easily.
i hate/detest liars. seriously, who likes liars? must be outta their mind.
i love the smell of rain.
i love my family.
i hate needles.
i am a perfectionist.
i always wanted to learn to play the drums.
i hate the feeling of failure.
i have friends in other countries.
i know how to cook. maggie mee counted ar?
i can be quite selfish.
at times, i still act like a little kid.
i have food allergies.
i love to read. absolutely!
i wish i were more motivated for school.
i love getting stuff in the mail.
i have problems with letting go of old feelings.
i hate being alone. when i'm outside home.
i love summer. i love the sun too!
i love the weekends.
i love black eyeliner.
i think i'm a looker.
i type with one hand.
i live in a one story house.
i wear make-up.
i have never rode on an underground subway.
i can't swim.
i have bad memories.
i go to church.
i sing in the shower. i can't possibly wrest "best bathroom singer" title away from my neighbour! he practices everyday!
i hate cheerleaders.
i usually get what i want.
i have been on stage before.
i love roller coasters.
no one knows my full story of my life.
i am close to my parents.
i don't have a curfew.

Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Corpse Bride

Why did I wanna watch this movie?:
To celebrate the great gift of summer holidays and to breathe in the fresh air of freedom! Hahaa. Yes, I'm done with my first semester of my sophomore year! My brain has never felt any more relieved and relaxed as now! It feels great! Heheheh. Anyway, I'm a BIG fan of Tim Burton's works, i.e. Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Nightmare before Christmas. For me, I like musicals (eg. Sound of Music). There are still some people who don't fancy the idea of watching this movie though although it was given a good rating. May have some discrimination against animated movies, supposedly kiddish-lar. Some say musicals are cheesy. But if you ask me, I'd choose to watch an animated movie with a great storyline and characters ANYTIME, rather than waste my money on a movie acted by warm-blooded homo sapiens with lousy acting and a storyline that sucks.

The Synopsis:
The story is set in a cold, gloomy Victorian town, a parody of aristocratic England. A young, nervous man by the name of Victor Van Dort, son of rich fishmongers Nell and William Van Dort, is due to be wed to beautiful young Victoria Everglot, daughter of bankrupt (as well as ugly and unpleasant) aristocrats Maudeline and Finis Everglot. Victor isn't too keen on the idea of an arranged marriage until he meets Victoria face-to-face. After messing up his wedding vows at the wedding rehearsal, Victor flees to the forest. There he practices his vows, and discovering what he takes to be a stick protruding from beneath the ice on a pond, places his bride's wedding ring on it. No sooner has he done so than Emily, the Corpse Bride, emerges from beneath the ice, dressed in a moldy, flowing wedding dress and declares Victor her husband. She was mysteriously killed on her wedding day and has been waiting for her groom to come and claim her ever since. She whisks Victor away to the surprisingly colourful, vibrant and musical Land of the Dead. Now he must choose if he wants to stay married, or find Victoria again. Victor soon finds out that he loves the corpse bride and wants to stay married to her, but for it to be able to last forever, he must be dead. When it is time for the true wedding to the corpse bride, Emily sees Victoria, his real love. She turns to Victor, and sacrifices her marriage. She lets him get married to Victoria. The end (This was taken from Wikipedia larr.. malas want to write my own synopsis)

His parents: Nell and William Van Dort

Her parents: Maudeline and Finis Everglot

My Ratings and Reviews:
I'll give a B+ for the overall movie. The story is simple, yet it is intertwined with many mysteries of its own which carefully and gradually unfolds into a touching story of love, dedication and sacrifices. The storyline was properly developed with touches of great humour here and there, leaving no loopholes (if there were any, I couldn't see it!). The Corpse Bride rather gives a refreshing touch cuz the story differs from the stereotype love stories.. possibly the one reason people want to see it, besides the fact that Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter were voicing the characters.

The one thing that I most love and most remember from this movie is the wedding vows. Not the usual ones we hear at weddings.. meaningful, very beautiful, I say. Very beautiful indeed.

With this hand, I will lift your sorrows
This cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine
With this candle, I will light your way in darkness
With this ring, I ask you to be mine.

Like I said, the wedding vows were very beautifully written. However, the contrasting effects of different people reciting the vows were great. You could actually feel what the character feels when they recite the vows. For instance, when Victor recited the vows, we could actually feel his sincerity, trust, love and honesty. On the other hand, when Lord Barkis (the old bad man Victoria was forced to marry after Victor's MIA) recited the vows, it was cold and empty. One could see that it was said out of the mind and not the heart, out of hidden intentions and not sincerity, out of greed and not honesty, and out of mere hastiness and not truly love. Pretty hilarious to see how that old haggard died in the end. Drank to his doom. Muahahaa.

Victoria forced into marriage with Lord Barkis

But she ends up with Victor in the end

I loved the piano duet that Victor and Emily played in the movie. Wondering what piece it was and whether there is a score sheet for that duet. And having a fairly-strong music background, I do look out for notable musicals and sometimes awfully critical of the songs I hear and occasionally, singers (by profession I mean). I did like the idea of having Victor and Emily bond using music. Ah, not forgetting that Victor and Victoria also got acquainted and bonded through the piano too. Just for an extra: The first piano that appears in the movie bares the name "Harryhausen"... an obvious tribute to Ray Harryhausen, one of the great early innovators of stop-motion animation.

Victor plays the piano, not knowing Victoria stood nearby listening during their first meeting

Victor attempts to soothe Emily's anger through music

Another aspect I liked was at the end, when the "citizens" of the Land of the Dead had to travel "upstairs" to the living world to attend the wedding of Victor and Emily. The horror of the living people to see dead people walking in their streets, fearing that the dead meant them harm. It was funny to see how the situation turned around.. Cranky, old and almost-blind lady fiercely whacking the skeleton that was attacking her only to find out that he was her dead husband. A couple, keeping their distance away from an approaching old corpse, in fear when their young son recognizes the corpse and runs up to it.. then asks,"Grandfather?". Grandfather corpse carries the young boy and starts laughing (cackle-like) just like a granddad. Terror into many happy family reunions. Hahahaa. Funny turn of events.

One thing I didn't like about the movie was that there were no subtitles during the singings. The thing was, the 3.15 pm Corpse Bride slot was almost fully-booked by the time Pranati and I got to the ticket counter.. AND the only available seats were the first 2 rows. Had to sit sliding downwards with my butt at the edge of the seat and legs dangling on the empty seat in front of me, so that I don't get neckache (but a butt-ache). The sound system from where I sat was pretty bad. Couldn't really make out what they were singing half the time. And my poor friend (who's doesn't read Malay) probably found it hard to follow the movie since the subtitles were in Chinese and Malay only. Forgotten to warn her that Tim Burton's movies would have songs here and there. Oops. But don't get me wrong, the songs were very well composed for the stories they tell. Just the bloody missing subtitles.

Something extra for you:
If you didn't know, the story for "Corpse Bride" was actually adapted from a Jewish-Russian folktale. The folktale was based on actual events that happened in Russia during the 19th century, when anti-semitism (anti-Jewish) was widespread in eastern Europe. Young Jewish brides were attacked and ripped by members of anti-semitism en route to their wedding. And because these young brides would be the ones to bear the future generations of the Jews, they were killed. In the Jewish traditions, the bodies of the dead are normally buried in the clothes in which they had died in, and as such, these murdered brides were buried in their wedding gowns. See the similar concept? Only thing that in the movie, Emily was not killed because she's a Jew. She was rather a victim of greed.

Other interesting characters:

Scraps, Victor's dead dog

Elder Gutknecht, the "rabbi" of the Land of the Dead

The Zombie Lady, the Dead Bird Lady, the Cannonball General and General Bonesapart (mimicking Napoleon Bonaparte)

Maggot living inside Emily's brainspace

B+, based on storyline and also great animations. Good movie to watch with friends and/or family.

The folklore:
And the story begins...

Once upon a time there was a young man who lived in a village in Russia. He was to be married and he and his friend prepared to go to the village where his bride-to-be lived, two days walk from his own village.

The first night the two friends decided to set up camp by a river. The young man who was going to be married spotted an unusual looking stick in the ground that looked like a bony finger. He and his friend started joking about this bony finger sticking out of the ground and the young man who was going to be married took the golden wedding ring from his pocket and put it on the strange-looking stick. And then he started to do the wedding dance around the stick; he danced around the stick with the golden wedding ring three times and he sang the Jewish wedding song, and recited the entire marriage sacrament as he danced around the stick, he and his friend laughing the whole time.

Haih.. mother never teach you not to simply play play around with people's things ah? Tsk tsk.

Their fun stopped suddenly when the earth started rumbling and shaking beneath their feet. The place where the stick had been opened up and a very bedraggled looking corpse emerged, a living corpse, she had been a bride, but now was barely more than a skeleton held together by shreds of skin, still wearing an old torn white silk wedding dress. Worms and spider webs hung on the once-beaded bodice and tattered veil.

The two young men were aghast.

Aahhh.. Now you see what happen when you don't listen to your mother?

"Ah," she said, "you have done the wedding dance and pronounced the marriage vows and you have put a ring on my finger. Now we are man and wife. I demand my rights as your bride."

Shuddering with terror at the corpse bride's words, the two young men fled to the village where the young bride was waiting to be married. They went straight to the rabbi.

"Rabbi," asked the young man breathlessly, "I have a very important question to ask you. If by some chance you're walking in the woods and you happen to see a stick that looks like a long bony finger coming out of the ground and you happen to put a golden wedding ring on the finger and do the wedding dance and pronounce the wedding vows, is this indeed a real marriage?"

Looking very puzzled, the rabbi asked, "Do you know of such a situation?"

"Oh no, no, of course not, it's just a hypothetical question."

Stroking his long beard thoughfully, the rabbi said, "let me think about it."

Thank God my dad doesn't look like that (he's a pastor)

And just then, a big gust of wind blew the door open, and in walked the corpse bride. "I lay claim to this man as my husband, for he has placed this wedding ring on my finger and pronounced the solemn marriage vows," she demanded, her bony finger rattling as she shook it at her intended bridegroom.

"This is indeed a very serious matter. I'll have to consult with the other rabbis," said the rabbi.

Soon all the rabbis from the surrounding villages were gathered together. They went into conference, while the two young men anxiously awaited their decision.

The corpse bride waited on the porch tapping her foot, declaring, "I want to celebrate my wedding night with my husband."

These chilling words made every hair on the young man's body stand on end, though it was a warm summer day.

While the rabbis were conferring, the real human bride arrived and wanted to know what all the fuss was about. When her fiance explained just what had happened, she started weeping, "Oh, my life is ruined, all my hopes and dreams are shattered; I'll never be married, never have a family."

Just then the rabbis came out and asked: "Did you indeed put a gold ring on the finger, and did you dance around it three times and did you indeed pronounce the wedding vows in their entirety?"

The two young men who by this time were cowering in a far corner nodded their heads.

Looking very serious the rabbis went back to confer again.

And the young bride wept bitter tears, while the corpse bride was by now gloating at the prospect of her long awaited wedding night.

After a short while the rabbis solemnly marched out, took their seats, and announced, "Since you put the wedding ring on the finger of the corpse bride and you danced around it three times reciting the wedding vows, we have determined that this constitutes a proper wedding ceremony. Even so, we have decided that the dead have no claim upon the living."

Sighing and murmuring could be heard from all corners, the young bride was especially relieved.

The corpse bride, however, howled, "Oh, there goes my last chance for a life; I'll never have my dreams fulfilled now, it's forever lost," and she collapsed on the floor. It was a pathetic sight, a heap of bones in a tattered wedding gown, lying there, lifeless.

Overcome with compassion for the corpse bride, the young bride knelt down and gathered up that old heap of bones, carefully arranging the shredded silk finery and holding her close, half sang, half murmured, as if cradling a crying infant, "Dont worry I'll live your dreams for you, I'll live your hopes for you, I'll have your children for you, I'll have enough children for the two of us and you can rest in peace knowing that our children and our children's children will be well cared for and will not forget us."

Tenderly she closed the eyes of the corpse bride, tenderly she held her in her arms and slowly and with measured steps she marched down to the river with her fragile charge, took her down by the river where she dug a shallow grave for her and laid her in it and crossed the bony arms over the bony chest, the one hand clasping the one with the ring on it, and folded the wedding gown around her.

Then she whispered, "May you rest in peace, I will live your dreams for you, don't worry, we will not forget you."

The corpse bride looked happy and at peace in her new grave, as if she somehow knew that she would be fulfilled through this young bride And the young bride covered up, slowly, the corpse bride, covered up the tattered wedding gown in the shallow grave, covered it all up with earth, then put wildflowers all over the grave and stones all around it.

Then the young bride went back to her fiance and they were married in a very solemn wedding ceremony and they lived many happy years together. And all their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren were always told the story of the corpse bride, and so she was not forgotten, nor was the wisdom and compassion she had taught them forgotten either.

Friday, October 28, 2005

He ain't heavy, he's my brother

Scene #1
Daddy's not in. Mommy's busy upstairs. Jiejie's outstation. Daesi's busy studying. Enoch's "busy" playing computer games downstairs. The phone rings. Naturally, the one who's on holiday + no studying to do + nearer to the phone would go answer the phone. Typically, my bro's butt doesn't move until...
Daesi: ENOCH! Answer the phone!
Enoch: Why me? WHY ME?? (pretends to sulk, moving towards the phone and answers) Hello?? Sigh... SIGH!
Daesi: Why? What happened? Who's that?
Enoch: Dunno. I picked up, he put down. (started scolding the receiver) How dare you hang up on me? How dare you.. (strangles the receiver playfully) How dare you???
Mom: (shouts from upstairs) I'm testing the fax machine lar!
Enoch: (quickly hangs up the receiver)......................... Ohh.
Daesi: (starts laughing out loud, much to her brother's dismay and very apparent embarassment)
Mom: Why you shouting? Little things like that also must get angry ah?
Enoch: Noooo.. not angry. Just play play only mah (starts whacking his own head)
Daesi: Ahahahahaa.. Paiseh, paiseh.
Enoch: Don't laugh larr. So malu.
Daesi: Yeah right, you malu? Who ask you to shout so loud until mommy can hear from upstairs?
Enoch: I didn't know that she's gonna test the fax machine mah.
Daesi: Sendiri cari pasal..
Enoch: ..................... What is paiseh ar?
Daesi: .................................

Scene #2
Minutes later, Daddy's still not in, Mommy's still busy upstairs, JieJie's still oustation, Daesi's still busy studying, Enoch's hooked on computer games. The phone rings yet again. Yes, again, my bro's butt doesn't move until...
Daesi: ENOCH! Answer!
Enoch: Yahh (walks merrily towards the phone)
Daesi: Don't simply answer ar, I think this phone call is for real.
Enoch: Yalah yalah, I know lar... (picks up the receiver) Fax again ar?? *pauses* Eeerrr.. may I know who's on the line?
Daesi: (bursts out laughing even louder than before, much to her brother's double whammy embarassment)
Enoch: (tries hard not to laugh into the receiver) Hold on, please.
Daesi: (still laughing out loud) I just only warned you not to answer like that and you still answered the phone that way. My dear little brother.. what has gotten into you? Were you even listening to what I said?
Enoch: (steps few feet away from the phone, and starts whacking his head even harder and more)
Daesi: Eh, quickly finish whacking your head and connect the line upstairs to mommy. It's her call, right?
Enoch: (picks up the receiver) I'm sorry, he's not in (refering to my dad).
Daesi: Papa's call? You know he's not in, why you ask the guy to wait?
Enoch: Want to lepas malu mahh.. (laughs at his silliness)
Daesi: ......................... See. Told ya.
Enoch: Where ggoooottt?????

Lessons learnt: Never simply assume anything, don't simply answer phone calls and brothers are the best and funniest source of entertainment anyone can ever get.. exclusively live, free and spontaneous! Or just maybe blur siblings. We're all born natural entertainers! Muahahaa...

Monday, October 24, 2005

My take on Sky High

(Ever read a review by a Science major? Yeah. Review a la Lab Report format. I'm seriously going nuts.)

To celebrate the END of Instrumental Analysis, to lighten up the mind with something else other than academic-related stuff, and to be totally ignorant of the fact that we have about 3-4 papers left in the next 3 weeks.

Sky High, a story about superheroes. Sky high is an elite high school which is responsible to educate and mould teenagers with super powers into superheroes for the future. Story centres on Will Stronghold, teenage son of not one, but two superheroes - The Commander (super strong talent) and Jetstream (super flying skill). And yes, he eventually goes to Sky High, just like his parents. But there's one problem, he... doesnt have super powers. Late bloomer, says the school nurse. He soon finds himself in the "sidekick" class, not "heroes" class (students were divided into sidekicks and heroes as soon as their first day of school - typical bias). But thanks to his archrival, Warren Peace whose father was captured by Will's father and imprisoned, he discovers his superpowers unintentionally... which are, assumingly super-strong power just like his dad. Then there's this girl dilemma, high school bullies, parental expectations, archrival in form of Warren Peace, peer pressure and of course, you can't have superhero stories without an evil villian.

Decide on the movie, buy tickets, go watch it, and then criticize about it all the way home. Finally, write in blog.

Results and Discussion:
In the "sidekicks" class, you learn to analyze situation and how to help the superhero by giving him the right weapons, taught by an experienced, retired and desperately-wants-to-be-remembered sidekick. Ultimately in school, individuals categorized as sidekicks are often bullied, labeled as uncool, unimportant and unfit to be popular.. often taken lightly and regarded as inferior. In the "superheroes class", you are taught weird things (supernatural science, technology + mechanisms) by a weird professor..

A balloon-head professor, how more weird you want?

Storyline: C. There were several major flaws in the storyline and it was kinda predictable, which totally takes away the joy of watching the movie.

1) In the fight with Warren in the cafeteria, I thought it was a little odd in how Will discovered his powers. When Warren starts attacking his friends, Will decides "That's enough" and suddenly he lifts up the table with Warren still standing on top of it. Yes, he just lifted it then pauses with the table lifted to marvel at his newly-discovered power (along with the crowd). After a moment of "waaaahhhhhh", he finally throws the table (and Warren) to the wall. To me, that was a bit lame. I just don't get it. Here you are, high school scenario.. with teenage boys with RAGING hormones.. involved in a fight. It would have been more logical if in anger, Will had lifted the table and spontaneously, threw it against the wall. Then only, be amazed at his newfound power and strength while staring at his hands in disbelief. But I guess the part where Will grabs the fire extinguisher to put off the fiery, burning Warren was pretty funny.

2) There's this pretty, hot and popular student body president, Gwen, at one end. And on the other end, there's this best friend of his since 1st grade, Layla. Hahaa. High school + 2 girls + dilemma = Sounds familiar? He develops a crush on Gwen, totally forgot his date with Layla, going to the prom night with Gwen, Layla says she's going with Warren to make Will jealous, Will is so oblivious to Layla's feelings for him, Gwen tells off Layla, Will gets angry.. bet you can finish the story. Not difficult to figure out he ends up with who. But the twist in the end was a bit unreal, when Gwen turns out to be the evil villianness. Read, THE villianness, whose deadly weapon is a pacifier gun. Yes, a pacifier gun. Aiyohhh..

This is the Commander proudly showing Will the pacifier gun in his "Spoils of war" souvenir gallery.

This is how you zap someone you don't like with the gun

This is what happens to them post-zapping. Cute hor? No need to zap back to adult horr..

3) Warren helps Will in defeating Gwen and her troops. There was no development (none at all) on the story between Will and Warren. That was the major setback in the movie, IMO. We know that Will's dad captured and locked up Warren's dad. That's why Warren has a grudge against him. I think the only real development was when Will teamed up with Warren as heroes in "Save the citizen" competition. We see that they make a great team, but we don't see whether their relationship is any better cuz Warren continues to ignore him in school. And then, in the ending, Warren joins Will, Layla and other sidekicks to save Sky High. No scene with any exchange of words between them after it was all over. Another scene that really disappointed me was the scene with Will's dad (The Commander) speaking with Will, his friends and Warren. I was half expecting The Commander to briefly speak to you-know-who because of you-know-why, but no. Or that he would at least acknowledge Warren's presence and thank him for saving Sky High and the other superheroes, but no.. nothing! Loose ends.. lots of them.

A scene from "Save the citizen" competition

4) The flying schoolbus was interesting. But sorry, Harry Potter came up with the idea first. Or rather, J.K. Rowling for that matter. Looked like a borrowed idea, not very original.. although this flying schoolbus had turbo engine.

5) The fact that suddenly Will kisses Layla, even just when he discovers that his parents were turned into babies (babies sound so horrific, don't they). Ahem, girl won't run away.. can kiss later. Parents save first. Save the best for last, remember?

6) In the scene where Will fights with Gwen (the villian), Gwen throws him off the school island (school's on an island floating in the air). Just as she declared victory, Will suddenly flew back up and she screams "No! You can fly! Impossible!". Why issit impossible-lah? Remember he has superstrength power just like his dad? His mother has flying power.. of course he would inherit that from her lar! Hello?? Maybe she was meant to be an airhead, but it kinda contradicts her character as a villian cuz she's supposed to be smart.. right?

Very short movie.. probably too short until they left out a lot of chances for further development, resulting in lack of support and substance of the main storyline. Just too many loopholes for my liking.

Acting: B-.

Michael Angarano as Will Stronghold

> Character [3.5/5]
> Acting [3.75/5]
> Not much comments on his character. He's just a typical 14-year-old boy with a crush on a senior and struggling to live up to his parents' expectation and blending in with the new crowd without losing himself. Fairly good acting by Michael Angarano. Didn't portray much depth in his regrets though and during the transitioning moment when he discovers that he likes Layla, not Gwen. But he was fairly good.
> Talent - Superstrong and flying ability

Danielle Panabaker as Layla

> Character [3.5 / 5]
> Acting [2.5/5]
> Still very fresh in acting, IMO. Her crying scenes were pretty OK.. but other than that, still lacking. Didn't look too shocked or lost or disorientated when Gwen threw Will off the school island (school was on an island floating in the air). I mean, she had feelings for him right? Some of her expressions looked forced and unnatural. She's got the whole package, just need more experience and training. Lots of room for improvement.
> Talent - Ability to manipulate and accelerate growth of any plant on the earth.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Gwen

> Character [3.5/5]
> Acting [4/5]
> She played the role very well. Her acting was probably the most oustanding among these four main characters. She was brilliant at portraying the sweet and gentle girl every guy wants to bring home to show their mother, and she was also darn convincing as an arrogant snob and evil villianness. Thumbs up for her versatility.
> Talent - Ability to manipulate and construct machineries/weapons with her mind (Technopath).

Steven Strait as Warren Peace

> Character [3.5/5]
> Acting [3.75/5]
> He's HOT.. uhhh, I mean.. hot as in he has the ability to generate fireballs with his hands and fire on his hands. He's definitely hot *cough cough* I thought he looked too well-built (adult) to act as a 16-year-old, but his acting probably made up for it though. He's good, considering this was his first movie.
> Talent - Ability to generate fire on his arms, generate fireballs from his hands.

Hot stuff on the loose! Run for cover!

My rating is C+. I would recommend this if you want a good, entertaining movie that doesn't require you to think so much (e.g. Flightplan). Good family movie if you wanna watch it with younger siblings/children under 12. End quote by Will Stronghold, "So my girlfriend became my arch-enemy, my arch-enemy became my best friend and my best friend became my girlfriend". Simple summary, don't ya think?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Bad, Bad Weekend..

My weekend sucked... Internet went "kaput" on Friday afternoon. Had no internet since then until Sunday night. So much for broadband benefits of internet service for 24 hours. Couldn't go online to check my email. Couldn't go online to find information to do my reports. Couldn't go online to retrieve the results I need for my report from my email until the very last minute. Couldn't go online to just take a break. My social life went down the drain (Warning: Exaggeration alert!)...

My weekend sucked... Stayed up late nights (slept at around 2 to 3 am, waking up at 7am) to finish up 3 bloody LONG reports - Golden hope field trip report + tomato tissue culture + groundnut plants. Each 'costs' about 10% each. And all due on the SAME DAY! And all cost me my sleep!!! No time to myself. No time for my body and brain to recuperate. My eyes completely strained from staring at the computer all day, all night for 4 days straight. Next time, please don't put datelines for 3 BIG reports on the same day.. and even if you must, can't you tell us like 3 weeks ahead so that we can get a head start??!! They are probably the worst ever reports I wrote. Golden hope? Hahah.. I thought my hopes were rather bleak. I just hate tomatoes. I just hate groundnuts. Go figure.

My weekend sucked... Yeah, I finished the reports at 12.30 pm on Monday.. BUT, the worst had yet to happen. I had my Physiology test (also "costs" 10%) scheduled at 2 pm Monday. Only managed to finish 2 out of 3 reports I had (didn't even care if the lecturers were gonna minus 1 mark for each late day) at 12.30 pm. Yeah.. Then only, I got to start studying for the test until 1.30 pm. More like flipping through the notes, speed reading. Yes, reading NOT studying. Then, Physiology lecturer accidentally gave us question papers with bolded answers. How many times do you get tes papers like that huh? We'd all get 100% for the paper. Nahhh, tough luck. He asked back for the papers and went to find past year papers for us.. gave us an extra hour to study, although not really much went into the brain and stayed there. I'm pretty darn sure my marks for this test wouldn't be encouraging.. not even the least!

My weekend sucked... Couldn't heal faster and properly from my cough/sore throat due to lack of sleep. Couldn't take my medicine according to prescription (every 4 hours). I only took it at night before sleep. My voice was totally gone on Saturday.. didn't really come back until yesterday, but still I sounded really tired. But thank God my voice came back completely yesterday! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Heheheh.

As much as I wanna like my weekend, I can't help it cuz it was a bad, BAD WEEKEND!

At least this cute little panda lightened up my day.. could potentially be my twin now, with identical eyebags and dark circles 'round the eyes I reckon. Naahhh, I ain't that cute :P