Monday, December 5, 2005

Me, myself and my work!

Yes, you read THAT right! To those who knew me from way back then (like Trnjit, Zuhaili, SuetWan, Keren, King, etc.), you guys probably can't imagine me WORKING right? Hahahaa. I also couldn't imagine myself working right up to the second day of my training! Did a lot of observing and asking questions on my first 2 days. Only started doing work (i.e. blood analysis) on the third day.

Anyway, I'd just started my industrial training at Assunta Hospital laboratory. The industrial training is compulsory for all Monash's Biomedical Science students, so being a Biotech-Biomedical student, I had no choice. Having said that, it doesn't imply that I don't like working or that I was forced unwillingly like a big stubborn spoiled baby to do something I didn't like. It's just that I have not work before. So this experience is entirely new to me and the atmosphere definitely felt foreign initially. Even though I don't get paid, at least I'm learning a lot and doing something useful instead of lazing around at home (and end up getting fatter and flatter bum at the end of the holidays).

It was a good thing that I didn't give up my spot in Assunta though. Very convenient for me. The drive from my house to Assunta (and vice versa) is approximately 20-25 minutes, and most days there's no traffic congestion. Just imagine if I was assigned to Sunway Medical Centre (SMC), it would probably take 40-50 minutes from my area, with added bonus of that "fantastic" mourning morning traffic at the Sunway Toll. Hey Suzan! Since your workplace is so near mine, come we go out eat lunch together one day! Hahahaa. Assunta's cafeteria food not so bad ehh.

(In reply to Madhulika @ KingKong) My working hours are from 8.30am to 5pm, and I work from Monday to Friday every week. I'm not so sure about SMC though cuz from what I heard from the first batch, they only started at 12pm, that is on the first day of course. And apparently they don't get hands-on work. But I'm not definitely sure. Maybe you could call SMC the day before you are to report to ask them for your reporting time and place. My supervisors are pretty nice and friendly people.. approachable, ready to teach and answer your questions. Some will teach you as much as they can. Some are less willing to teach and these are the ones you have to take real initiative to bombard them with questions. What do I want from India hmmmm.. I seriously dunno. Anything would do, really ;-) Can't wait to see all of you guys soon! Missing your company already!
Well, this has been a report on my first 2 weeks of work. Will come back to you at the end of my 8 weeks of training with a full, detailed report. Signing out!

1 comment:

  1. daily romantiz lifzzzzDecember 19, 2005 at 5:47 AM

    oh so poor girl ^^ eh i am working oso wut, oso 9-5pm la.. but then my place so near to my house... 1 minute can arrive... hahaha.... eh i got new blog... add me!!
