Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Bad, Bad Weekend..

My weekend sucked... Internet went "kaput" on Friday afternoon. Had no internet since then until Sunday night. So much for broadband benefits of internet service for 24 hours. Couldn't go online to check my email. Couldn't go online to find information to do my reports. Couldn't go online to retrieve the results I need for my report from my email until the very last minute. Couldn't go online to just take a break. My social life went down the drain (Warning: Exaggeration alert!)...

My weekend sucked... Stayed up late nights (slept at around 2 to 3 am, waking up at 7am) to finish up 3 bloody LONG reports - Golden hope field trip report + tomato tissue culture + groundnut plants. Each 'costs' about 10% each. And all due on the SAME DAY! And all cost me my sleep!!! No time to myself. No time for my body and brain to recuperate. My eyes completely strained from staring at the computer all day, all night for 4 days straight. Next time, please don't put datelines for 3 BIG reports on the same day.. and even if you must, can't you tell us like 3 weeks ahead so that we can get a head start??!! They are probably the worst ever reports I wrote. Golden hope? Hahah.. I thought my hopes were rather bleak. I just hate tomatoes. I just hate groundnuts. Go figure.

My weekend sucked... Yeah, I finished the reports at 12.30 pm on Monday.. BUT, the worst had yet to happen. I had my Physiology test (also "costs" 10%) scheduled at 2 pm Monday. Only managed to finish 2 out of 3 reports I had (didn't even care if the lecturers were gonna minus 1 mark for each late day) at 12.30 pm. Yeah.. Then only, I got to start studying for the test until 1.30 pm. More like flipping through the notes, speed reading. Yes, reading NOT studying. Then, Physiology lecturer accidentally gave us question papers with bolded answers. How many times do you get tes papers like that huh? We'd all get 100% for the paper. Nahhh, tough luck. He asked back for the papers and went to find past year papers for us.. gave us an extra hour to study, although not really much went into the brain and stayed there. I'm pretty darn sure my marks for this test wouldn't be encouraging.. not even the least!

My weekend sucked... Couldn't heal faster and properly from my cough/sore throat due to lack of sleep. Couldn't take my medicine according to prescription (every 4 hours). I only took it at night before sleep. My voice was totally gone on Saturday.. didn't really come back until yesterday, but still I sounded really tired. But thank God my voice came back completely yesterday! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Heheheh.

As much as I wanna like my weekend, I can't help it cuz it was a bad, BAD WEEKEND!

At least this cute little panda lightened up my day.. could potentially be my twin now, with identical eyebags and dark circles 'round the eyes I reckon. Naahhh, I ain't that cute :P

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