Friday, October 28, 2005

He ain't heavy, he's my brother

Scene #1
Daddy's not in. Mommy's busy upstairs. Jiejie's outstation. Daesi's busy studying. Enoch's "busy" playing computer games downstairs. The phone rings. Naturally, the one who's on holiday + no studying to do + nearer to the phone would go answer the phone. Typically, my bro's butt doesn't move until...
Daesi: ENOCH! Answer the phone!
Enoch: Why me? WHY ME?? (pretends to sulk, moving towards the phone and answers) Hello?? Sigh... SIGH!
Daesi: Why? What happened? Who's that?
Enoch: Dunno. I picked up, he put down. (started scolding the receiver) How dare you hang up on me? How dare you.. (strangles the receiver playfully) How dare you???
Mom: (shouts from upstairs) I'm testing the fax machine lar!
Enoch: (quickly hangs up the receiver)......................... Ohh.
Daesi: (starts laughing out loud, much to her brother's dismay and very apparent embarassment)
Mom: Why you shouting? Little things like that also must get angry ah?
Enoch: Noooo.. not angry. Just play play only mah (starts whacking his own head)
Daesi: Ahahahahaa.. Paiseh, paiseh.
Enoch: Don't laugh larr. So malu.
Daesi: Yeah right, you malu? Who ask you to shout so loud until mommy can hear from upstairs?
Enoch: I didn't know that she's gonna test the fax machine mah.
Daesi: Sendiri cari pasal..
Enoch: ..................... What is paiseh ar?
Daesi: .................................

Scene #2
Minutes later, Daddy's still not in, Mommy's still busy upstairs, JieJie's still oustation, Daesi's still busy studying, Enoch's hooked on computer games. The phone rings yet again. Yes, again, my bro's butt doesn't move until...
Daesi: ENOCH! Answer!
Enoch: Yahh (walks merrily towards the phone)
Daesi: Don't simply answer ar, I think this phone call is for real.
Enoch: Yalah yalah, I know lar... (picks up the receiver) Fax again ar?? *pauses* Eeerrr.. may I know who's on the line?
Daesi: (bursts out laughing even louder than before, much to her brother's double whammy embarassment)
Enoch: (tries hard not to laugh into the receiver) Hold on, please.
Daesi: (still laughing out loud) I just only warned you not to answer like that and you still answered the phone that way. My dear little brother.. what has gotten into you? Were you even listening to what I said?
Enoch: (steps few feet away from the phone, and starts whacking his head even harder and more)
Daesi: Eh, quickly finish whacking your head and connect the line upstairs to mommy. It's her call, right?
Enoch: (picks up the receiver) I'm sorry, he's not in (refering to my dad).
Daesi: Papa's call? You know he's not in, why you ask the guy to wait?
Enoch: Want to lepas malu mahh.. (laughs at his silliness)
Daesi: ......................... See. Told ya.
Enoch: Where ggoooottt?????

Lessons learnt: Never simply assume anything, don't simply answer phone calls and brothers are the best and funniest source of entertainment anyone can ever get.. exclusively live, free and spontaneous! Or just maybe blur siblings. We're all born natural entertainers! Muahahaa...

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