Friday, November 3, 2006

What a joke/embarrassment/disappointment...

so. we have a vision 2020.

we want to improve every aspect in our country to make it one of the forerunners of developing countries. we want to improve our education system.

and we want to evolve our teaching methods to suit the 21st century. simply because the message and knowledge remain the same, but the method must change. old things just don't work no more.

and we want to raise the standards of our local graduates from primary school to high school to college to university. in other words, we want to produce high-quality and well-equipped graduates for their next stage.

and we want to increase the passing rate of the nation. how?? by raising the quality of our education... right?

nahh.. this is how they do it.

by decreasing the limits of all grades by 5 marks. now you just score a 35, and you pass. and you can score a 66 in a paper and proudly declare that you scored an A... when it's very well a B. or C by college/university's standards.

revamped system? my foot.

how is this supposed to help our malaysian students? ok. so the excuse is we want to get HELP them into colleges by HELPING them qualify with "better" grades. but hey, how exactly are we helping them? how exactly are we preparing our high school graduates for colleges and universities, where the passing mark is 50? with even harder things to learn, challenging stuff to digest and remember? siao.

it's such a joke you know.. embarrassment.. disappointment.. whatever you wanna call it cuz i can't even begin to choose one that suits.

look. i may be able to accept the new system IF the syllabus was getting harder and tougher. but without even checking through the new textbooks, i know they can't be any harder than what i had five years ago and what our parents had back in the 1960's and 1970's. for goodness sake, the students should REJOICE that progression was taken out of additional mathematics!

i can't help but think whether the public school system is providing and preparing students these days well enough to send them through to college? i mean, tell me.. throughout your years in forms 4 and 5, how many times have you actually conducted a proper experiment? or even handled an apparatus? or even get introduced to lab apparatus? or even taught how to use and manage a pipette, or how to measure volume using a burette? you know Benedict's solution turns blue in the presence of a reducing sugar (cuz you were taught about it in school), but how many of you have ever seen that happen with your eyes in school?

lowering of mark-grading limits... wouldn't that spoil them? allowing them to glide into their comfort zone? not pushing themselves harder? building a future of laziness and convenience dependency.

ironically, this new marking and grading system may truthfully reflect or somewhat reflect the real grading system used in SPM.. which is often always reduced. for me, i never understood how i ever got a B3 for Moral in SPM when the highest i ever got in school was C5.

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