Sunday, November 12, 2006

In love with 白袍之戀

since last month, i've been hooked on 白袍之戀 (bai pao zhi lian). a taiwanese series showing on astro shuang xing channel. who else is watching it? nobody?? hahaa. thought so. jue bu jue de hen qi kuai xiang dao wo gen zhu kan "bai pao zhi lian" (finding it weird that i watch "bai pao zhi lian")?

basically the story centres around two medical doctors, mo fan and qi xiu. the former extremely talented but rebellious, the latter dedicated and rational. mo fan grew up with this girl, yi ning (the professor's daughter), and they thought they would end up marrying each other... until qi xiu (a new student) enters the picture. then the girl gets a disease called rasmussen's encephalitis... and then the story goes on and on for episodesssssssssss after that.

a great heart-wrenching and heart-tickling story nonetheless. one reason i love it is the story and plot. i know people say that those who love sad stories never experience heartache and heartbreak first hand. hahaa. well, i don't LOVE all weepy sob stories i watch, e.g. winter sonata especially the last 8 episodes where crying necessarily takes place throughout each 45-minute episode. reminds me of 青青河边草, but at least 青青河边草 was more endurable, probably because of - again - great story and issues. 白袍之戀 has a mixture of humour (witty jokes.. not lame ones) and serious romance. balanced.

the two male leads are so sooo sooooo... [the cursor has been blinking on the same spot for the past 7 minutes and 12 seconds cuz i can't think of exactly what words to describe] i've fallen in love with both characters. seriously if there were such guys alive, i would have fallen head over heels for them. but tough luck lar. good (looking) and compatible guys are either taken or *cough* gay *cough*. both are brilliant doctors, but nothing close to arrogant.

qi xiu is steady one.. dedicated, loyal, down to earth, speaks mandarin in such a deep and (i have to admit) sexy voice, great smile... he's so cool, shy, serious, rarely emotional but is so very sweet, gentle and caring towards yi ning. he's such a character to watch that you can't resist feeling sad when he's sad, feeling heartache when he's heart broken, smiling when he's being so sweet and detailed. protective but not over-protective. can melt lar if got boyfriend like that.

at least dylan kuo (the actor who plays qi xiu) looks and acts more convincing as a doctor than jerry yan. maybe i'm biased. it's not a secret that i don't like jerry yan. i know there's one friend who would kill me for saying this, but dylan kuo is better an actor than jerry yan.. or rather showed greater improvement from their debut series. furthermore, i find that jerry often needs to say out loud how he feels or what he thinks in scenes in order for the audience to actually know what on earth was supposed to go on in his mind.. it's a weakness IMO. which is why i'm more impressed with dylan who has wider range of expression and didn't need to say everything out to be able to capture the substance of the character. but then againm maybe these are differences in characters they play at fault.

singing-wise... jerry shouldn't sing. even in studio recordings he sounds flat throughout. as for dylan, i wouldn't say his voice is that great but he sounds better. maybe because his voice is deeper, huskier and not so sucked in? hahahaa. pretty decent lah. but nothing too hoo-haah fantastic-bombastic if compared to jay chou, david tao, leehom, jj lin, nicholas teo and guang liang.

but wa tak suka his hairstyle in this show. good thing his usual style is short, but he looks young and sort of bad-boyish in that style. i do see why he needed to grow it ala F4 style (long, mop-like). looks more serious, like a doctor. why did qi xiu have to die in the end?? after 7 years of finding a cure for his girlfriend, waiting for her to wake up from coma only to realize she had forgotten everything that had happened in the past 7 years, and then he is strucked by acute liver inflammation which is 70% fatal. only then she remembers everything. the scene in which he proposes to her and then dies in her arms was so sad. and knowing me who gets emotional and teary everytime i see someone cry/sad.. sigh... you sendiri faham-faham lah.

qi xiu did show symptoms of acute liver inflammation (probably he was infected with hepatitis B/C/D virus through blood which had seeped through his wounds). sadly enough but true the symptoms are not very obvious nor serious, which was bad. he had loss of appetite, paleness, more tired... the worst part is that "acute" defines short-term sudden massive attack of the viruses with death most likely within several days or at most 6 months. see, the liver is crucial for storing glycogen (important for energy), numerous biochemical activities and detoxification of toxins and drugs in the body. if the liver cannot function, your blood eventually gets poisoned, etc.

go here, here and here to read more. best treatment is liver transplant. probably the most difficult issue in cases of acute liver inflammation is difficulty in getting even one available liver donor and more so, compatible one. and even after transplant, one have to pray that the body doesn't reject the organ.

another thing that is great about 白袍之戀 is the relationship between qi xiu and mo fan. i like how the writer portrays and develops their relationship, friendship and rivalry.

they were rivals as they were the best in their field, rivals in love with the same girl and rivals as doctors in the same hospital. despite ups and downs and rivalry, you see nothing less than mutual respect and growing trust they have with each other. that's strong friendship. they were enemies of enemies, and yet they were tight-knitted buddies... like brothers.

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