Friday, October 27, 2006

I'm having the blues.. Exam blues.

3 bananas
1/2 bag of keropok udang
1 big mug of ice milo (buatan sendiri)
1 apple, peeled and fresh out of the coolness of fridge
5 pieces of fried fish fillet in Thai sweet spicy sauce
2 mini cornettos

i don't know why the glutton-ness just now after the MBB paper. probably used up a lot of ATPs (energy) in writing furiously non-stop while brain requiring extra harvest of energy to read, analyze, digest and vomit out facts onto the paper.

now gimme the other half bag of keropok udang.


my brain is so exhausted and stressed out at the moment. there're just too many freaking things to remember for MBB. cramming them all into my head.. remembering diagrams, that's my forte actually.. as long as i can remember diagrams, the facts come freely. by God's grace and my hopefully undistracted, undying fascination as well as a sponge-like mind... i'll get at least 70% average for this semester dammit.

now with the end of MBB (whose prospects were greatly dimmed within the 180 minutes of gruelling paper - too many things to write, too little time), thought i had to delete everything related to MBB in my head. wrong. MBB and my next paper, Genomics & Molecular Genetics, have plenty of overlapping syllabus and stuff. when you do it next semester, you'll know what i mean. i think MBB makes genomics a lot easier to understand cuz it's just repeating the same thing all over in your head. i hope the paper is much simpler though. answer four essay questions. how exciting.

this post can't be too long. i have to stick my nose back into my books. but a few hundred more words wouldn't hurt. heeheeheehee. kidding. just a few more paragraphs o.O

beginning of my first year, i was so eager to get two degrees - biotechnology and medical bioscience. right now, in the first half of my third year, i'm already so sick of studying and exams. i hate exams. they make you sit in the freaking freezing hall for 2-3 hours, to answer questions after questions after questions. in the end, you get your marks but you don't know where your marks came from. or where you went wrong. or where you were right. in the end, do you really know what you know at all?

i wished that us as students and people were not measured simply by how much you score. sad and cruel. i mean, if someone died in a freak accident (and i'm not implicating or sumpah-ing anyone in particular.. just think general), if he or she was a C or even a B-average student in SPM or A levels, you don't see the newspapers reporting "so and so had just obtained 5 Bs, 4 Cs and 1Ds in the current SPM last week". you always see how many As, and even better straight As'. cuz that's what's important right? stupid discrimination.

i need to get the heck out of there. i'll go crazy if i were to stay extended one year there going to lectures, writing reports every week, cracking head doing assignments and tests. i know i will. i just know it.

it's one phase of life i can't wait and am afraid to end. after that?

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