Friday, November 17, 2006

Post-Exam Destressing - Mandatory Retail Therapy!

yes it's that time of the year! hahahaa.

in the span of four days, i've been to three different shopping malls. bought many, many things. i know people are always thinking that we just love to hua qien (waste money) but on a contrary and in my self-defense (and many girls), i only buy things that i need and want. anyway, think i'll be doing a fair amount of shopping within these 3 months since i'll be out of action and going back into my tortoise-shell shelter once next semester commences. sigh. already feeling stressed just having that thought.

on tuesday, met up with piggy & chimp in sunway pyramid for shopping spree and end-of-semester movie celebration "the departed". the movie was good.. although i'm not sure how it stands up to "infernal affairs", the 2002 hong kong movie which the storyline and plot was taken and adapted from. from what i heard, "infernal affairs" was better. now i wanna rent the dvd and watch the original thing. hehe. the censors in this movie were rather irritating because the f-word pops out as often as the letter "s" appears in mississippi. so the parts were snipped, scenes were jumping and giving me headaches. and towards the end, the supposed-to-be-censored parts were not even "muted" properly. you hear the f-word loud and clear, and whatever follows after that gets muted. so much for censorship. then there were other words which did not get cut such as a**hole, shit.. no, no more examples to preserve the *cough* sanctity *cough* of my blog :P

all the lead actors in "the departed" stood out in their own way.. leonardo dicaprio - excellent potrayal of the undercover cop who becomes stuck in confusion with his own identity and his job, matt damon - the rat in the police force (ultimate rat), jack nicholson was way cool and notorious as mob boss.. one other actor who stood out was mark wahlberg who although plays an arrogant and irritatingly provoking cop, whom i thought was kinda cool because beneath all that was a cop who is dedicated to doing his job and seeking justice.

back to shopping. bought a pair of jeans, which i really need cuz the one i bought from hong kong is falling off my waist and hips. actually all of the pants/jeans i bought before this year are all wearing off and seriously falling off my butt that it is embarrassing. period. ask any friend of mine in uni (they know cuz they see me more often than others). anyway in other words, i have to buy new range of pants. if not, i have to pakai cheh-kai shorts mari kolej.

shoe fetish. bought two pairs of shoes/sandals - the white pair for my sis' wedding (both ceremony and dinner), bought after 2-hour walkaround sunway pyramid and picked by piggy and simran, my favourite stylists! and the denim covered shoes for fun. hahaa. can wear that on days i have lab sessions. better to wear for short days though, they can and they WILL kill you if you wear them for the whole day with active walking and standing. if you ask me, i think pyramid is a good place to hunt for nice shoes. as for clothes, there is no one definite mall that's all that.

my feet shrank from size 7-8 to size 6-7. help! i'm shrinking!

where were we? oh. right.

went to timesquare on thursday for dress shopping for my sister's wedding dinner. it was an odd choice of mall, according to my sis. but i had two shops in mind already anyway - SA creations & nicci fashion city. what i had in mind was something knee-length (or somewhat below the knee), don't mind sleeveless, something dark coloured (i wanted black initially.. hahaa, sooooo influenced by keren)... wanted to stay away from baby colours, which was a pretty good advice from piggy. i don't want to appear sweet and childish because i'm already 21 and past my giggly girly stage for goodness sake! time to act my age. i wanted something simple yet elegant and modern.

there was no dress which caught my interest in SA creations. maybe because it was hard to find and browse through. but there were many dresses i liked and tried on in nicci fashion city (gosh i love the stuff there). wished i could buy a few instead of just one. hahahaa. the dress i bought was introduced and recommended by an indian salesgirl there. apparently new arrival. it was love at first sight. hehehee. like i said, wished i could buy them all. sigh... sadly, money don't grow on trees.

was wondering whether i should show a picture of me with the dress on, but thought it would spoil the surprise later on when i write, blog and post up pictures for my sister's wedding. then no more fun lor. hehe. but i'll post up a glimpse of one part of my dress. hahaa. nah..

not happy wanna see the whole dress? you'll just have to wait. after all, patience is a virtue right? it's brown. yes, to all of you monash-ians who went to this year's prom, it's brown AGAIN. i don't know what's with me and brown. i can't help myself if the dresses i like all turn out to be brown.

ok. fine. next time, i'll just look at the black ones.

p.s. sorry, the pictures are not very good & contrasted well... my own computer KO-ed since last month (and is not fixed thanks to my lazy bro), so i don't have photoshop to edit the picture. once it's back, i will edit the pictures.

p.p.s. does anybody know where to get knee-length denim skirts cheap? i.e. around rm50. and also decent long blouses? not long-sleeved, long length.

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