Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Big Scandal

So yesterday I was just updating my information in my facebook. Thought of removing my status (just like I did in Friendster) because I personally don't like to disclose personal matters online. If the account was purely family and close friends, I wouldn't have minded. But it's not the case now.

I removed my "Single" status. So it is a blank status. And see what happens... I suffered my biggest heart attack when I logged on this morning and found this!!

Helloooooo!! "Daesi is no longer listed as single" does not mean "Daesi is married!" or "Daesi is in a relationship!". Facebook's biggest loophole. Mana tahu that "no longer listed as single" has a heart shape next to it. What lah.. WHAT LAH..

Good thing my parents no facebook, man.

Honestly, I am only 23 and I have no longing for a relationship. Still too much yet to see, too much yet to know. You see, I'm really not the type who would simply go into any relationship if I knew it would get me nowhere or simply because out of peer pressure. If it was really future-less, then I wouldn't wanna waste anyone's time or play with anyone's feelings.

And c'mon lah, if I had a boyfriend, the last thing I would do is immediately announce to the entire world of facebook. My sister and close friends would know first. Not the entire world. The rest of the world can wait.

Shit man, now people is gonna be asking me about this when they see me face to face. Damn damn damn.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Random Ramblings

My computer crashed. For good. Virus attacked, and now hardware problem. Told my dad, he said don't bother fixing it because the computer is condemned already. Yalah, the thing is almost ten years old for goodness sake!

So now, I'm sharing computer with my brother. And obviously the brother wants the computer all the time. To do "work" lah. Somehow, whenever I go into his room, his homework somewhat requires a lot of clicking and computer graphics animation with weapons and people fighting... somewhat reminds me of Civilation 4. Oh well, maybe technology has advanced so much that homework now resembles pc games. To make the students do their homework?? I wonder.

Don't be expecting me to blog often now though since I have no private computer of my own. Blogging ain't fun with people sitting behind you and watching you. Blogging ain't fun when you keep hearing voices asking you "When are you going to be done?" every freaking minute. Blogging ain't fun when there's a risk of people barging into the room uninvited. Blogging ain't fun when a restless being keeps walking in and out of the room. In other words, blogging ain't fun when there's no privacy.

At least now I get to use the sole surviving computer in peace because the restless being is at college. Muahahahaaa...

Guess what???

Ministry of Sound at Monash!! On the 6th floor of Building 3.

But when I went that direction, the corridor was still rows of science laboratories. Some smart, very free and hardworking students actually took time and effort to do this. They have too much time lar, too much time. Maybe should stop cutting down their homework?

And I got eaten by fishes!! Those cannibalistic fishes!!

A few Saturdays ago (Aug 30th), a group of friends from church and I went to Morino Kaze at Bukit Bintang (near Pavillion) to have our legs bitten by fishes. It was the first time for all of us, if I'm not mistaken.

These fishes are not fed breakfast, lunch and dinner. Which is basically why they all swimming furiously towards your legs and nibble nonstop once you put your feet into the pool. The best part is they eat off the dead skin cells on your feet and occasionally legs. Mind you, feet is the part of your body which has the most dead skin cells.

So, you need to get rid of dead skin cells to get smooth and glowing feet. We pay about 30 bucks to dump our feet in the pool for half-an-hour. And these hungry fishes have no food to eat. Not bad for symbiosis?

Yes, it is ticklish when you first put it in. But after a while, when you have a swarm of fishes at it at your feet, it becomes a numbing sensation. Bringing a friend is highly recommended. Good to talk and get your mind off the tickling.

And no, the fishes are not piranhas!

The environment there isn't bad either. You should go try it out sometime.

Heard there is a full body fish therapy. I so want to go try it out. Sometime later. When I am free. Anybody know where in Malaysia or Singapore do they offer full body fish therapy?

Check out this new MV!!

Nobody by Wonder Girls

I never really have a liking towards any of the Korean girl groups. And a strong dislike towards one 9-member girl group. Mainly because most of them sing really bubblegum pop songs with high pitch squeaky voice that might just make my ears go deaf before I turn 40. And some really can't sing. Or dance. Or at least have the personality to compensate for the lack of the other two talents. However, I think I might just make Wonder Girls an exception.

Wish the girl groups would sing more songs with attitude to it like this one. I like the concept of this MV. Very dreamgirl-esque. The song is catchy, not overly sugary-sweet, diabetes-inducing nauseating lyrics. And JYP is hilarious in here. Check it out.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Smartest Move

How does someone who started all the racial sentiments by saying that the Chinese were merely squatting in Malaysia and thus does not have the right to equity (Isu pendatang yang hangatlah tu) which was followed up by the disrespectful treatment of Koh Hsu Koon (*cough* tearing picture *cough*) in public gets off with a 3-year suspension...

But the reporter who reported all his wonderful theatrical lines in the paper gets detained by ISA?

For those of you who don't know, ISA stands for Internal Security Act, which is under the Home Affairs Ministry, which is akin to Homeland Security and CIA in the United States.

I can't believe my eyes, my ears and the logic. Or lack of it.

The one who said it didn't get arrested for starting all these soap opera in the first place, but the reporter who reported his statements in the newspaper get arrested by ISA instead? And SHE and the newspapers which published the reports are branded a threat to national unity and peace?? WTH???

What? Telling us to swallow whatever insults hurled at us is it? Isn't it enough that we get sidelined in a lot of things?

Why don't us pendatangs go back to where we came from? In spite of my love for Malaysia, I'll be so thrilled. Even if it means that I have to learn Fuzhou from scratch at this age.

May the drama continue. With more smart ideas and plots.

Update: Apparently the ISA arrested the reporter because there were threats on her life. That's what they said. I personally don't buy it. But it's up to you to think whatever you want. I mean, c'mon lah, the very obviously government-controlled newspaper would have reported that she has been "taken into protective custody" instead of "arrested" or "detained" for obvious reasons. And using ISA? Goodness gracious.

Now, give me back our MP!