Saturday, March 8, 2008

Things I've done lately that makes me feel old

Marking juniors' reports, demonstrating lab. I still remember myself in my first year first semester fearing my demonstrators... Who although are seniors probably only few years older are still intimidating and fear-able. Now that I'm in those shoes, I can understand why it's necessary to not be too friendly with these students. And why it's necessary to be strict with them.

I still remember what one of my first demonstrators told us "You can complain and hate me now for being strict with you, but trust me, you'll thank me later". I think some of you know who I'm talking about. He's really hard to forget.

Sleeping earlier and less. I realized that I can't keep my eyes open and mind functional beyond 12.30pm. I am sleeping either by midnight or before that. And for lesser hours for that matter. I used to sleep for eight hours at least to be fully functional the following day. But now I sleep for only 6-7 hours and I feel so much fresher the next day.

You know, they say older people sleep less... Is this an omen? Well, if I sleep less, then I have more active hours. Can do more stuff! Haha. Young at heart.

Voting in my nation's election. Registering for voting is one thing, but actually going through the whole process slaps me in the face to the reality that I am really, REALLY beyond 21. And going back to MY OWN elementary school (yes, the school where I myself was a student for five years in the first half of my life) to vote is equivalent to a double tight slap.

On a side note, my elementary school is sooooo totally unrecognizable. My goodness. There used to be an open field right next to the canteen where we could run about, play jump rope, play hopscotch and just lepaking and chit-chatting. Now the field is filled with trees and bushes and plants... there's nowhere to run about right now. So sad. My ex-classroom didn't even look like the classroom I remembered. Can't imagine how it'll be if all of us were to return to the class and sat where we sat in those days, now that we've all grown up. What an amusing sight it would be.

Even the classes' names have changed. Gone where my days where the classes were named after colours - Merah, Kuning, Biru, Hijau, Jingga and Ungu. Just now I saw Bestari, Cemerlang, what is and what not. It's just not the school I remember anymore. Sigh. Change is something humans inherently dislike and avoid at all cost because it means something new is going to disrupt the comfortable order of your life and you can't control it. Even if some welcome change, the anxious anticipation and nervous dread is not avoidable. But change is a necessity. And it is beyond our control. As for this, whatever that's left in the school I remember will be just a memory. I hope my memory will never fail me.

My handphone = Getting old, need change. This time I'm dead serious. Just yesterday while I was replying an SMS, my handphone screen just went blank and restarted itself. Siao boh? I repeat. It. Has. Gone. Senile. Feel like getting a flip phone. Something different for a change. I was thinking of Sony Ericsson Z750i (is it in Malaysia yet?), story has it that it's around RM900+. Thumbs up? Wait lah, until I get my salary.

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