Thursday, February 7, 2008


(Shit.. I just realized that I did press not the "Publish" button but the "Save as Draft" button after finishing this entry. CNY jitters and celebration overdose I guess. My bad..)


For those who can't read Chinese, wishing all a Happy Chinese New Year, good health, happiness, and whatever that your hearts hope and dream of come true.

I try to translate the best I can. But I do not have a strong Chinese background.

I have two horrible zits on my chin to welcome the New Year with me. Since they're both side by side, it looked like the Rat decided to give me a bite on my chin that ended up being rat-bite-like red zits. Drat this Rat Year.

I'm so in a bad mood today.

Not because of the pimples lah. Something else bothering me. Don't wanna talk about it though, not the point of this post.

There are a few things I want (push myself) to do for the new year... I won't call them resolutions though. Because resolutions usually don't come to pass. Haha. It's the reverse psychology thing whatever.
1) I want to practice a healthier lifestyle - use the stairs more not the elevator, avoid junk food and drinks, etc.
2) I want to try Detox Diet. Seriously. After reading Kenny Sia's experience, I feel tempted to try it myself. Although it is highly unlikely he and others who've tried it are lying about their results, don't you feel that sometimes you just want to try it yourself to see if it really works? Reading and believing is different from experiencing and believing. Anybody nuts enough to try it out with me?
3) I want to go on another buddies-only backpacking trip. Enjoyed myself too much in Penang with Adillah and Suzan. Really want need another round of it. Haha. Bali? Terengganu? Langkawi? Heheh.
4) I hope to see God show me an open door for this problem I've been facing for over these few years. Hopefully things will get better.
5) I want to get good results in Honours. Aim for first class. Who doesn't want?
6) I hope to finally know which direction I wanna go after finishing Honours - postgrad studies OR work? If postgrad studies, where? Singapore OR Australia OR China OR Japan? But aiyo, language problem lah.
7) I want to lose weight :P

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Haha...some of the things on your list are also on mine! Detox diet? never heard of it...what's it 'bout? backpacking trip? that sounds real fun. yeah we need to do it. sigh....aargh. we have so little time, and so much to do right?
