Monday, February 18, 2008

4000 words in 4 days

Just last week I had an assignment called literature review to pass up.

Anything. But preferably (they all say) something related to your field of work. And for the record, I hate free topic.

How long?
3000 to 5000 words. So to be on a safe side, around 4000 words should be just right.

What happened?
Did quite a chunk before heading off to a super-last-minute CNY holiday in Genting. Came back and found my journal articles which I thought I saved in a folder missing. Not only that, my LitRev word document was also unsaved. Sheesh man. Had to re-find my articles. And retype my assignment. ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!

What I think happened?
Could have been the virus that was in the computer, brought in courtesy of my neighbour's pendrive which was infected in her college computer. Looks like the AntiVirus isn't so great after all.

What else could have happened?
Someone really hates me enough to break into my house during CNY to wipe out my files from the computer. Must be kinda smart to be able to browse through my files and figure out how I store my files. But of course, this is a little far-fetched :P

Anything else that could have happened?
I carelessly forgot to save my work. Which is unlikely given that I press Ctrl+S after every 2 sentences I type.

Stayed at home the whole bloody week just to rush through my literature review. Couldn't let my supervisor have a look at it either. No time. Typed 4000 words in 4 days, while researching journals at the same time. Which is a miracle to me. And this was nothing compared to Suzan's 4000 words in 2 days. Siao zhaboh :P

Monash's Bachelor of Science graduates major in biotechnology (or medical bioscience), minor in typing skills. If we are ever not able to get a job in Science field, we could opt for clerk or typist or sexy-tary job positions.

I think the sole reason that I lost joy in online chatting is because I've gotten sick of typing. Assignment, type. Research, type. Report, type type type. Practically anything that brings stress necessitate typing. So once I'm done with an assignment, I never wanna de-stress via typing. EVER. How's life? Life has been going on without us. Somehow I prefer face-to-face interaction than online chatting these days.

If I EVER hear anyone complain about not being able to finish a 1500-word assignment in 2 weeks.......... I might just smack their head. God, help me resist that temptation.

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