Saturday, October 27, 2007

Along The Corridor...

I walk through from one end to almost the other other end to get to my lab every morning.

I have to walk all the way back up to get to the bathroom when nature calls. In the entire floor, there's only one bathroom for the ladies, one for men and one for the disabled. And it has to be at the other end from where my workplace is at!

There is a lot less people around since semester 2 has ended. Which is nicer. Not that I hate people. I like people. It's just a lot safer and peaceful. Nobody likes a noisy, crowded place to work in right? Work is work. I don't think anyone enjoys being followed around and bothered while doing their work. Unless they're juniors or trainee or new staff.

I will be walking along this corridor for the next eight months.

It is really a long walk.

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