Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Three Four years. I am exhausted.

I sat for my last of my finals yesterday afternoon. It was not a tough paper but I had a tough time going through that paper. Know why? I had to have stomach cramps for the first hour and 10 minutes of the 2-hour paper. Talk about tough luck. I was even contemplating just finishing the MCQs and essay, then walk out of the hall cuz it was so unbearable. But I didn't lah. Can't even enjoy my final moments of my degree in a high note. Hmph!

Come to think about it, I spent four years here. Four years! Four freaking years!! Can't believe it has been four years since the day I first step foot into this place. The campus which I have gotten used to, and the people whom I've gotten to know. Sigh. Won't I miss you all. And I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'm gonna miss this old campus as well. After all, it has been four years. Despite the suffering we had to put through with, we had our fair share of better times. So fair enough. Out with the old, in with the new campus!

Foundation Year...
I remember the first day of MUFY in Sunway College. Unlike most of the others in MUFY, I knew nobody and I mean NOBODY. Nobody from my school, church, other places was doing MUFY the same intake as I was. It was a really tough first week. Knowing nobody and wandering about by myself. I don't know if it was the wisest thing to do then. I don't know what made me do it. I must be mad, I admit. I am always doing things out of the blue. Ask my mom. But I don't think I would have changed anything. Things gradually took a turn for the better. It took a while to settle in but it was way faster than I thought it would be. All of us in MUFY became good friends all the way until Monash.

Soon enough, I made many good friends - one in particular was Pranati, partly due to the fact that we had ditto timetable and classes. And I mean DITTO. Then from there, we switched from Physics to Math B in the second week. There, I met Madhu and Simrit. Now that was the last class of the day and it was the fun-nest class ever. The one class I've always looked forward to at the end of everyday. Mr HC Lee is still one of my favourite lecturers. English was fun too. All the mad people in there... Dayaa-bear, Juwin, Justin, Louis, Jasdev, Christopher... to the point that Ms Angela assigned their seats at opposite corners of the class. Then few months later, assigning seats didn't work anymore because the whole class went equally nuts and loud. She sighed, "Lord, I know there are many crazy and interesting characters in this world. But why did they all have to be in the same class?? My class???"

I would do anything to relive MUFY classes.

Freshman Year...
I think entering university life was a culture shock for me. The amount of work doubled, classes were different, even more interesting characters came in (and then left after one semester.. I think most of you know who I'm talking about) . Then there were reports after reports, late nights after late nights typing up reports, tests after tests and yada-yada. Man, if we knew what was coming in year 2, this was nothing to complain about. The batch began with about 130-150 people (can't remember precisely but I remember it was a large crowd). By the time it came second semester, it was down to probably just below 100. And there was peace. Hahaa. Just kidding.

The other factor which made the first semester such a nightmare was Chemistry Part I. Couldn't understand a word from that part-time lady lecturer who spent only 4 seconds per slide on an average. Her part took up half of the paper, and I could do nuts. I was surprised that I passed on first attempt because it was soooo soooo soooo bad. Second semester was a breeze with Business Statistics as elective. Probably the most relaxed subject I've ever taken - from all aspects.

Sophomore Year...
Then there was THE crazy year. The workload quadrupled and the standards went up like crazy! When we were not at lectures, we were in the laboratory. When we were not in the laboratory, we were at tutorials. When we were at neither of those, we were in front of the computer typing out butts off. Fighting against time to finish up this torture tool called reports in laymen's term, stopping at nothing. Not even to breathe. Sacrificing sleep. Hectic! This was the year when we all wished for 25 hours a day. It really took a toll on me - physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. To the point when exams arrived, none of my brain cells were not exhausted and not tired. Which explains my first semester results. And I sat the exam, looking less human-like and more racoon-like.

I hereby declare that I will forever hate second year. Period.

Final Year...
And then there was light! Third year was a lot, a lot less stressful and less busy than it was in year 2. I just felt that I had just shifted from riding a bullet train to an MTR (not LRT lah.. too slow :P). Less work? Yes. But the catch was each report and assignment carried a heavier weightage in the final marks. Subjects were definitely more interesting but more difficult lah, of course. So there, you can't ask for too much right?

By this year, the batch size shrank even more. Everybody knew everybody. Everyone who was close since the beginning became even tighter-knitted buddies. And by now, everybody was friends with everybody. Even lab sessions became fun. Well, sort of lah. Hahaa. I even had my first outstation trip with my university buddies which was a BLAST! I would jump at the chance to do it again. Hopefully the group will be bigger. But not too big :) Among all the three years in Monash, I would say that this final year was probably the best. Really. Am I mad? Hahaa.

Hard to believe that it's over. It's all finally over after three long and full of hardwork years. Hard to believe that I won't be seeing most of these guys anymore after graduation. I would miss all the conversations we had in the cafeteria or lecture halls after classes. I would miss lepak-ing in Adillah and Mahani's room whenever I wanna kill time. I would miss the jokes cracked and exchanged during lectures and lab sessions. I think I would definitely miss listening to the 4 homies talking. Hahaa. Sure laugh until jaw pain. I would miss sneaking into Suzan's lectures and smuggling her into mine (don't think we can do that anymore can we?). I would miss the lunches with Ka Yin. I would miss QiaoQiao and her batch... nobody would be calling me Ying Ying anymore :( I would miss my lab partners-in-crime.. you know who you are. I would miss making yoghurt in the lab.

But I won't miss the reports. Haha. What lah. Spoil mood only.

Anyway. My life would have been boring without you all. Thanks for being part of my life - big or small - all the same size. I will miss you guys.

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