Friday, June 8, 2007

Final Invasion of Penang


Sorry. Necessary post-bioactive chemistry paper frustration blow-out. Studying past-years didn't help. The questions were totally different. Not much on mechanisms and processes. Asked too much about other small, little stuff. I'll be grateful if my B.S. turn out not to be B.S.

Where were we? Ah yes, Baba Mansion. That was probably the highlight among all the places we've been in Penang. We wanted to go to Batu Feringghi's pasar malam after that but decided against it, knowing that the taxi fare would be a killer. Then, we thought of the pasar malam at Jalan Dato' Keramat which a kakak, whom Adillah met at City Bay View, recommended to her.

Calling her for directions, she offered to drive us there. Which we hesitantly accepted. It's not really safe to accept ride from strangers these days. Who can we trust these days, really? Thankfully, the kakak turned out to be really nice and friendly. Seriously. All the Penang people we met on the streets were super-nice and super-friendly. If I encounter these kind of people on KL streets, it would be one in a million if the person does not have other sneaky intentions playing at the back of their minds.

The pasar malam was seriously not well-litted and over-crowded. I think the main reason why it seemed over-packed was that half of the crowd there were on motorcycles, not on foot. And it wasn't really safe because half of the motorcyclists were unlicensed and underage. Seeing the way they "balance" and manoeuvre their machines, nobody in their right minds should allow them on the road.

Fifth Stop: Penang Hill

I think this was the earliest we got up in the three days we were there. Adillah, as usual, got up the earliest for her sembahyang. I got up probably slightly before 7, and Suzan around 15 minutes later. We've been getting up in that order every morning. Hehe. No pulling of hair or catfight over who gets to use the bathroom first.

We got on the first tram up to the peak of Penang Hill. It was so early that our sleepiness were quite apparent on our faces and our lack of chattiness on our way there and up. Well, it was also the last day of our trip. Who doesn't get tired?

There was nothing much to see though. The view (as you can see from the picture) was rather blurry. Don't know if it was due to the haze or the early morning mist. It was kind of lonely up there too. Not many people on the first tram.

Of course, there was the breezy and cooling climate up here which was a welcome change to the hot, humid and ruthlessly scorching weather down there and back in Kuala Lumpur. Maybe next time we'll escape to Cameron.

Final Stop: Kek Lok Si Temple

From Penang Hill, we walked to Kek Lok Si Temple which was nearby. We were looking for the entrance, imagining it to be a huge 20-feet-tall gate with magnificent, detailed gold carvings from top to bottom on each pillar and a huge signboard written "Kek Lok Si" in gold. Well, no. You make your way up the steps to Kek Lok Si through many, many sidewalk stalls with really, really aggressive saleswomen who tells you, "First morning business is good luck". Hmmm.

Adillah and I only walked outside in the gardens, admiring the view while Suzan was the only one who went inside the main hall and up the pagoda. Not that our beliefs and religious teachings prohibit us to enter other religion's worship sanctuaries but it was our own personal choice :)

The forecasted weather was rain and thunderstorms everyday. But not a single drop of rain came down until two hours before we were heading back to Kuala Lumpur. God is good, isn't He?

Goodbye Penang. We had a great time there. We'll definitely do this again. This as in going holiday together. Just not sure if we'll come back to Penang so soon. Our next destination... Langkawi? Terengganu? Bali? India? Haha.

But for now, home sweet home.

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