Monday, June 11, 2007


Tell me how do you concentrate on your studies when there are just one million and one freaking problems and thoughts going through your mind all at once?

Tell me is there a way to just simply erase them from your mind to make space for the most important stuff right now called exams?

Tell me how can you not feel like a puppet when you really feel like you're being treated like one?

Tell me how do you tell someone that you're just not interested in this study field called "genetics" or "embryogenesis" because you're just not into that area and you don't give a damn about whether you'd one day become a pioneer or some big shot?

Tell me how do you do it without breaking his heart and then feeling guilty to tears about it?

Tell me how do you make somebody else shut up?

Tell me how do you tell someone that you don't care if something brings all the money in the world because you're just not a business person and would just wanna have a career of your own choice and work by your own effort?

Tell me how do you tell the person that I'll be happier that way, although we don't know for sure, I just know I will be because it was my own choice?

Tell me how do you tell someone that while I appreciate his advice and encouragement, you are your own person in spite of everything and you're not a child anymore who doesn't know what you want in life?

Tell me how do you tell someone that you just don't fit in to that one certain place, and that you're sick of "jumping" and "hopping" around because it is not doing any good to me?

Tell me how do you tell someone that I'm just seeking stability in life which I found in that one place without him being furious?

Tell me how do you make him see?

Tell me how can you get over feeling emotionally-divided and depressed?

Tell me how do you make it all go away cuz they're making my head hurt really bad?

Tell me why does it have to be this hard?

Tell me why does it have to hurt so bad?

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