Friday, March 23, 2007

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?

somebody was complaining that i don't update my blog often enough. hahaa. ok lah, now i update.

i was just busybody nosing through my high school's friendster group yesterday. it was pretty much and expectedly boring cuz i don't know most of them in the group, although we're all students or alumni of the same school.

then on the discussion page, i saw this thread. not interesting, but irritating. it just really remind me of the one thing i hated about high school.

* names were changed and replaced with utterly uncreative nicknames to protect (protect?? aha) whoever he/she/they are.

anyone know me here? =.=
posted by *superstar on 14/03/07
wondering anyone of u from smkbbsp still remember a girl named [bla bla bla]? come lah, we chat chat here. make it more crowded. =)

hmmmmm. tak kenal pun... definitely not from my year. didn't even ring a bell. maybe there wasn't any bell to begin with anyway!

posted by *moon on 14/03/07
hehe i sure know u

posted by *angel on 15/03/07
of course we know u!

posted by *superstar on 16/03/07
woot! our school got thousand of students, but only 2 students know me! aww~ *sadness*

wah lao yehh.. what a narcissistic sky-high perasan zhaboh mentah.

forgive me if i was rude. it was unintentional. but seriously, i couldn't stop rolling my eyes as i was reading it to the point that if i stared any minute longer, they'll probably pop out of the sockets. sheesh. beh tahan, i tell you.

i was SSSSSOOOOOOOOO tempted to add a sarcastic reply. but lead me NOT into temptation, amen!

yes, the one thing i hated about high school. popularity contest. with popularity victims. in worst case scenario, desperate popularity victims who'd go to great lengths to be so-called "popular". sometimes to the point of being pretentious. people are not dumb. they can see fake. besides, doesn't it get tiring to pretend all the time?

what do one really get from being the populest (i know this word doesn't exist but whatever) in the end? once we leave high school, we all start back at the same level all over again. for me, i think it would be good enough that in 10 years' time, schoolmates and teachers still recognize and remember me (hopefully for the right reasons lah. hahaa.), my best friends then are now close friends (if not still best friends), and we all somehow someday when we have each lead different lifestyles and maybe have headful of graying hair would gather back together and would still be able to laugh, chitter-chatter, ejek-ejek each other and most importantly celebrate each other as before. wouldn't that be so much sweeter?

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