Friday, September 16, 2005

Explode or endure?

What happened: I won't go through much detail BUT I will say something. I was assigned to Assunta Hospital for my training. This girl, K, wants to exchange places with me because according to her, Assunta is 5 minutes away from where she live.

What I heard: "No offence to Daesi but HUKM is only like 10 minutes away from where she stays. *pauses* ok.. maybe I'll give her 15 minutes. And she's not changing with me."

What I've got to say: You know what, 10 to 15 minutes from my house to HUKM is plain rubbish. It never takes 10 to 15 minutes to reach there from my house. Have you taken into consideration of the traffic in the MRR2 during peak hours? If I'll be working there, I'll definitely be driving there in the morning traffic and back home in the rush hour. Have you any idea how MRR2 traffic jam is like during especially peak hours, or even off-peak hours? I've used that road a million times to go to my previous church and even to other places. Do you know that sometimes the traffic jam starts in Sri Petaling itself, all the way to Bandar Tun Razak? Do you know that this traffic is always unpredictable from my area? If the highway is free and the traffic lights are kind enough to turn green at the sight of my car, I'll be at HUKM at the least 30 minutes. If the traffic of the highway is heavy and jam-packed with crazy drivers, it'll take me very rarely at the least 50 minutes to reach there and at the most 2 hours or more (and I speak from experience). So if you have not driven yourself from my house to HUKM before, don't you dare judge me and even that, you don't have to go telling other people about it behind my back. Just because I've driven for only over a year, that doesn't makes me stupid.

And if you're not satisfied with something about me, say it to my face instead of blabbering it to someone else cuz it'll only make matters worse. Do you know, K, that I haven't told you "No" to your request but I said "I'll go home, ask my mom and consider it?" and I was actually still considering it right until my friend told me what she heard from you. Not that I'm feeble-minded that I have to ask my mom everything. You don't know my situation nor my family's current financial situation. There has been no financial support for these few months. My dad has been outstation for almost 10-11 weeks already and that's exactly how long I haven't seen him. Hence, my mom's the head of the house now, isn't it? The car which I drive isn't mine, and whether or not I'll be driving to the hospital is also an unresolved issue. It may be that my mom would be sending me as well. And what if the other car breaks down and she needs the car I'm using? We have so many issues and people to consider before making any decisions. I couldn't make a rash decision on the spot. You know, I never doubted the fact that Assunta is 5 minutes away from your house.. but you had to doubt what I said and even had to go tell others. Right now, I'm not even sure whether to trust your word that Assunta is really 5 minutes away from your house. As far as I'm concern, Assunta Hospital is also the nearest to my house, most convenient and it takes 20-30 minutes to reach there. Of course, I would prefer not to change. If you were in my place, would you exchange with me if I'd asked?

I was really seriously p*ssed off when I heard what I heard. My sister said "Why trade your conveniency with her inconveniency? So that it'll be more convenient for her? And where does that leave you?". Friends told me not to let go of the Assunta placement. I was still considering exchanging with you. Right now, I wonder why. Really, I wonder why.. That was definitely the final straw. I feel like a total idiot.. believing that you were nice a person to exchange with, thinking you were not the least nasty as I've heard. Right now, I'm frustrated. I hate being frustrated.. I HATE being frustrated. And yesterday, my frustration was ignited at every sight of you. I mean, you have such a weird way of getting what you want. I haven't even told you a definite "no" and you already went b*tching complaining to one of my best friends about me. What a way to get me to nod my head to your request. Really.. right now, I don't know how many people have you complained to about me. But you know what, frankly, I don't care. Let them have their own judgment. If they chose to believe what you say, let them. If they don't, let them. My life is mine to live, your life is yours, their lives are theirs. We live the life as we choose to, and I choose to live mine by my convictions and beliefs. I just hope that I'm wrong about you.

Good news for you is that I want to transfer my industrial attachment to the hospital in Ipoh, since Dr Ton strongly recommends it and there are plenty of vacancies there. And it would be of a great opportunity to experience life elsewhere (other than KL) for me. Just hope and pray hard that there would be accomodation available in Ipoh, e.g. hostel or house whichever, and that everything else would run smoothly. And that Ka Yin and I would get permission from our respective parents to do our training in Ipoh. If everything goes as planned, I'll get my training in Ipoh and with my seat vacant, happily you'll get the place in Assunta. If that happens, you got it out of your luck. If not, then tough luck. We reap what we sow.


  1. A real creative blog. Don't stop now. Maybe you can tell me how to improve my blog about company home refinancing:-)

  2. I suggest you endure it. Ignore such people =) You're right. Everybody has the choice to lead their own live.
    By the way, got spammer also in blog comments ooohh.. haih.. Go away la.

  3. Gal, this sort of people just exist to remind us of how special we are. Can't tell you to just ignore her because I know how hard that is. What I can advise is to be patient, remember love your enemy as yourself. Some people can sink so low, but we cannot let ourselves sink to their level so YAN!

    Oo, Ipoh sounds good...somewhere other than KL for a change. Maybe it will be lonely but how often do you get to stay in another town as a resident instead of a visitor for a day or two?
