Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Time

Christmas Time = Busy Time
Busy = No time to blog. Am I forgiven?

Why leh? Because tis the season where there are Christmas caroling (and the practices), Christmas service (and even more practices)... Most people are free at this time, so gatherings of old and new friends are immense. Don't get chance to rest much.

Even with 8 hours of sleep, I still feel tired. Should have just slept the whole day yesterday, instead of going to watch "I Am Legend" at Mutiara Damansara. But it's Will Smith movie man. How can I miss it? Oohh, but Cineleisure seats are the best man! Big, spacious and comfy. The only let down is it's in a land so far far away.

Christmas Time = Flabby Time
Why leh? Because tis the season where there are endless open houses and gatherings. And of course, gatherings in Malaysia are incomplete without eating and MORE eating. So imagine lah. How to eat so much without the risk of expanded waist line? Must jian fei before Chinese New Year comes (another season of binge eating). If not, become fatty fatty bom bom... I don't want!!!

And I can't wait for...

Heroes Season 2! Peter Petrelli so leng zai! Hiro Nakamura so cute! Claire Bennett so pretty! Nikki Sanders so sexy! Mohinder Suresh so cool! Haha. I'm just rubbishing. Except for the first two :P

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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