Thursday, July 27, 2006

My tribute to anatomy... NOT!

anatomy... study of human body structures and organization. and also, their inter-relationship. humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia, scapula, spatula, lumbricles, popsicles...

anatomy... its classes all allocated late late, falling between five to seven in the evening. apakan daya? cikgu import mari from other campus.

anatomy... because of its late classes, i have freaking long breaks twice a week. and the breaks in question is not less than 3 to 4.5 hours long. what to do? go home. come back later. waiting on campus for the class is too exhausting.. given the current hot and dry weather malaysia, staying home is very super tempting.

anatomy... i sleep in its lecture, tutorial and lab. why do you think i sleep?
a) the subject is tedious, wordy and too many new stuff/terms.
b) simple - i'm just disinterested.
c) "aiyahhhh... you not enough sleep lah. malam-malam dreaming about buaya and biawak.. macam mana nak tidur sedap-sedap, nyenyak-nyenyak dan tak jadi nyanyuk?"
d) it's in greek.
e) all of the above.

anatomy... bones of the hand. let's see whether i remember them. she looks too pretty, try too catch her - scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate. yay!!! hahahaa... no lah. i copied from lecture notes wann.

anatomy... makes me even more convinced that i should have never taken up the double degree program in biomedical science and biotech in the first place. yalah, that time young heart so greedy mah. hehehehh. now old liao, have to start thinking more realistically about future. thinking of dropping the former, and just doing a single degree in biotech. with or without honours. fed up already. serious. can't imagine working and terperuk only in the hospital lab. gonna concentrate more on my biotech subjects.

anatomy... you drive me insane. if only you were as peanuts as chemistry. or simple to grasp like cell metabolism. or as fascinating as molecular biology. or even half as interesting as microbiology.

anatomy... SIGH. anatomy. i rather go through one more round of both human health physiology and body systems physiology. learning harmoones (hormones), receptarrrs and mortar (motor) system all over again.

anatomy... i shall endure you for one whole semester, right up to the day i finish your last paper. you will not torture me. i will be content. once i'm through with you, to hell with you.

1 comment:

  1. Drop, drop! Then hopefully both of us can do honours together-gether. Muahahahaha...
