Tuesday, March 14, 2006

One of those days

OK. So I filled up my car's petrol tank yesterday. And it was not over a hundred and ten ringgit. But it was a hundred and eight.. I was close enough. It still cost a bomb.

Anyway, I only had one afternoon lecture for the day. The other got cancelled. Dunno why I went for it. Not that I love bunking lectures. Not that I mind bunking lectures either. Haha. As long as it's not becoming a habit. It's just that it's a miserable lecture for one hour in the middle of the day.

During that one hour, nothing went into my head. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. No-lah, not implying the lecturer was bad or boring. In fact, she's one of the better lecturers I've had. It's just one of those days when you are not in a mood for anything. Not moody either. My head feeling light. Eyes wandering from here to there. My hands and legs feeling numb.

Must be the medication I've been taking for my cough (again) and cold (again). Or maybe it's just plain PMS.

I went out of obligation as a student and a child to her parents (who sweated and forked out money for me to study). Can we not study? Einstein (the mad scientist) was a dropout. Bill Gates (Windows inventor) was a dropout. Mendel (father of modern genetics) was a dropout. All never graduated from school. Yet they are remembered and recognized as high intellects for their discoveries and inventions. So why study? Why waste thousands of dollars per semester to study (and despite that, you still have to pay for every apparatus you break)? Quit school-lar!!! Easier said than done (as always). That will never work on our parents. Hahaa.

Whatever you do, it mirrors how you handle day-to-day problems as they come. It wouldn't be the smartest thing to do to quit your studies, especially when you're halfway through. Maybe some say that better quit now than later if you really don't FEEL like doing it. On the other hand, quitting something halfway may bring across an image of you being a hangat-hangat tahi ayam kind of person. If you don't know Malay, the proverb describes a cingchai attitude.. not serious, not determined, not visionary. The kind who would quit and give up halfway in everything they do.

Ladies and gentlemen. This is a dog-eat-dog world. Everybody is seeking to outdo everybody else in everything by doing ANYTHING they can think of. Some strong enough to keep their faith and head guarded. The weaker ones get trampled on. Some morph into manipulative two-bull-headed beasts, forgetting where they came from. Just to get everything they want. Getting a promotion that comes with an office with a great view. Earning six-figure salaries. Getting the biggest mansion with the biggest swimming pool in the neighbourhood. Owning five cars, when the most you need is two. Getting the MOST attention. To the extent of competing even their children with others...

"Eh, see. My Ah Beng get 10A's in his exam ahh."
"My Ah Lian ahhh.. not smart one lah.. Only 9A's."

So typical, hor?

We study 2 years of kindergarten's ABCs and 123s, 6 years of primary education, 5 years of secondary education, 1-2 years of pre-university education and then 4 years of university education. After all the hard work, you get this piece of paper stating your Bachelor's degree qualification then getting kicked into working. A world full of wolves. How else will you get money to support yourself? And also, to pay back your parents?

Do we learn enough in college to survive and succeed in the working realm? I recall my soon-to-be-brother-in-law saying once that learning really starts once you start working and all of life is a learning process. We are faced with situations every minute of the day. This is where we have to LEARN how to apply what we've learned into actions.

In simple terms, study and get graduated. It's a security blanket. When you're at this young age in the 21st century and especially living in Asia where conservative thinking still exists, people tend to evaluate you based on your family background, academic area and achievements - typical-lah. Watudu? Human nature.

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