Friday, March 3, 2006

(03 + 03 + 06) = 12 events for this week

(1) I am back to school!!! After fourteen weeks of hibernating throughout the summer (first of a kind), I am back to lectures, long labs.. don't you just love to hate them?? My body and brains have been asleep for the longest time. And I feel like a zombie. Walking around, not knowing where exactly I am or what exactly am I doing. Gotta change.

(2) For the fourth time in two years, the petrol price increased yet again. Years ago, it only costed about RM60 to fill up my Perdana's tank full. Then when they hiked up the price, it was RM70 and then RM80. Now, it's an extra thirty cents on top of the previous pricing. My guess is, the next time I go fill up my tank, it would be over a hundred and ten ringgit. That so sucks. Big time. Some more this is Proton Perdana FIRST edition, not even V6.

(3) My dad's coming home! Haven't seen him since the last time he sent us off in Hong Kong international airport about a month back.

(4) One of our cars mati tengah jalan. Now it's in the "hospital". Don't know when it'll return. It's, I think, the thousandth time it's broken down in the past year. What to do? The car's old. Have to adjust to convenience of two cars instead of three at the mean time.

(5) Nice meeting good old familiar faces back in university. Seeing each other, sharing about what we did during summer, yakking away about anything under the sun (it's called networking not gossipping). Some changed hairstyle. Some lost weight. Some looking more matured. Some more confident. Some radiant. Some looking good. Some still the same. But all in all, they're still a cool bunch of people.

(6) Got to know some new faces this week. Mostly juniors and seniors.

(7) Caught up with Keren, one of my childhood friends. We haven't talked since forever! OK, maybe just a little over six months. But who cares? Had a great time chatting with her, just catching up on old times. We were literally interrogating each other right to the very core. Being proud of what great blessings we are, as sisters, to our brothers. Hahahaa.

(8) Making a resolution starting this week. Due to my "inCCCCredible" results last semester, I have decided forgo other activities (lesser priority), concentrating on the one thing important. That is getting back on track for better results = D's (my grade D is for distinction). I was just plain lazy, I knew it and I got what I deserved. Now, it's time for a change. I know I can do it dammit. I know I can. Can I?

(9) Everytime when I hit the road, I get reminded on the eighth wonder of the world. Malaysian drivers. They never ceased to amaze me. Some don't bother using their signal lights when they want to change lane or turn at a junction. C'mon! Signal lights are there for you to use!! Not as accessories!!! One other thing that really irritates me are drivers who LOVE to tail your car ridiculously close that you can even see the pores on their faces through the rearview mirror. That's so not cool.

(10) I got mistakened as a Malay by a Malay guy. Now this is definitely a first for me. I've always been confused for other races (maybe one too many times for my taste). Japanese... Korean... Chinese living abroad... Baba Nyonya. But NEVER a Malay. Until yesterday. Weird, but amusing. I wonder what else are anybody gonna come up with.. Red Indian??

(11) I don't know whether I've already mentioned this before, but I chopped off my long hair.. now it's shoulder length and dyed red-brown. Decided that it was time for a new hairstyle anyway. Getting sick of the hard-to-maintain long hair. Besides, I need to hide my grey hair Malaysia's been ridiculously hot and having longer days these days. Good thing it's short. More air circulation. Hahaha.

(12) There's no event for number twelve actually. Saje put it here for fun :P Why twelve? Today's date is 03-03-06.. add them up makes 12. So there. Math class in a nutshell.

Signing out!

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