Thursday, May 28, 2009


While clearing my throat in the morning, I spat out blood-coloured phlegm. I thought my dreamy morning eyes were imagining things, I cleared my throat and spat out the phlegm again. It was blood alright.

Shit man. My body must be suffering from massive heaty-ness. I've known and been heaty, but not to the extend of coughing up blood in my phlegm!!!

My mom said it's because I don't drink enough water. That's why I nose bled while I was sleeping and hence the bloody phlegm. But I wallop the entire 1.5 litres of water everyday! Still not enough! She said I should drink more COLD water or 100 Plus to cool my internal self down.

Then when I got around to drinking ice-cold water, OMG... immediate discomfort! My insides... they felt like being extinguished. Burning man.

Note to self: Drink more cold water, cooling tea. Stay away from spicy food, fried food, milo..... AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Back From Singapore

At the airport while waiting for my return flight to KL, I got this message from SingTel (my Singapore roaming service provider)...

When I'm going back then only offer me free sms and services lah!!!

-_- ;