Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Ox-picious Chinese New Year!!!

Guess which shopping mall has these pretty designs?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Review: Cellnique Skin Action Sebum Gel

A while back when I read this entry and this entry, I was tempted to try out Cellnique's Sebum Gel. So I bought it from an online seller (from LowYat forum) who was selling it for RM119 while it retails at about RM169.

It was the Paramedical Series which is sold in their beauty saloons and slightly differ from the ones sold at the drugstores. And well, it claims to work wonders in 10 days. But it works just halfway there for me.

Direction to use: Apply the serum evenly on the T-zone area which is prone to oiliness, blackheads and whiteheads. The lady advised me to apply every morning and night after washing my face, before moisturizer.

Thumbs up for:
+ Production of facial oil at T-zone greatly reduced.
+ Whiteheads reduced... although I think it may not be due to this gel, but to my double cleansing regime (which I'll write about later). But I think they were still reduced somewhat albeit minimal.
+ Smooth nose... don't have those bumpiness on the nose.

Thumbs down for:
- Blackheads still there on my nose and not going anywhere.
- Causing skin redness, which gets redder and redder with application. I stopped using this every morning and night, and almost immediately my skin redness disappeared. Now I use it once every two days. The oil control still works despite less frequent application.

So, will I repurchase or not? No, because its effects is just not up to mark and not worth the price I'm paying. I can buy other products which would work just the same for a lot cheaper price and a larger volume, like SkinFood's Peach Sake Pore Serum. And I don't like the redness it gives me. It just tells me that it contains some ingredient that is irritant (and possibly harmful) to the skin. So, no more of this once I'm done with the current bottle.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Before I turn 24 for real...

Kena tagged >_<

The lucky survey works like this - "according to your age, list down the number of things that most people don't know about you, and then tag 5 other people". I will oblige to the first part of the survey, but I won't be tagging anyone to do the survey because the only one who would do it was the one who tagged me and the others just wouldn't be bothered.

Thankfully, I'm technically not 24 yet. Still got 4 months to go. And good thing we don't go by our lunar age here. Why lah I so bloody old?? Now have to think of 23 things... I better get started and finish before I turn 24 for real. Neurocytes, get to work!!

1. I hate eating chocolates in solid form. I don't mind hot chocolate, or chocolate ice-cream. But chocolate bars, I don't like. I also don't like chocolate icing and cream.

Chocolate bars like these? Beh tahan...

2. I get emotional reading sad news in the newspaper, watching couples break up on TV, watching someone die in dramas, etc. When Dobby died in Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows, I wept buckets. No kidding. I know when people see me, they always see me smiling and laughing and happy. That's me being emotional. I'm probably lucky because I have a lot of things to be happy about and I seldom am affected by less important things. But I absolutely hate it when I cry during sad scenes in shows. It's embarrassing. How come my other family members aren't like that??

3. BUT, I never cry when I get scolded by others. I won't be happy to be scolded, of course. Who in their right mind would be cheerful after an acidic mindful from another? It would be my fault if others think my work or actions did not meet their expectation. Unless they're ridiculous, I would just further scold myself for not pushing myself some more. And if someone attempts to bully me, I would roll my eyes at their immaturity rather than cry. You don't know who you're messing with.

4. I get annoyed and pissed off really easily - and this is probably my greatest dislike - when people are not punctual. Even more so when they don't bother informing you that they'll be late, turn up smiling as though nothing had happened or they don't owe you an explanation. One's punctuality really explains a lot about their character.

5. I have an itching, mischievous desire to learn either Japanese or Korean (or both - but at this age my self can only muster enough energy for one) and speak the language fluently. Why mischievous? Because I want to master the art of deceiving others. Hahaha. Since I often get misidentified as Japanese or Korean, I might as well do it full blast.

6. I want to change my handphone to the new LG KF350, but that will have to wait until the white one comes. I'll probably sell off my current Samsung hp which still have 1 year warranty left. Hehe. But this is still under huge and serious consideration mode.

7. I own a Kurzweil SP88 Stage Digital Piano. Full 88 piano-weighted keys. Love love LOVE the sound. But wished it was all black instead of dark blue.

8. One of my life wants is to learn how to play guzheng, the Chinese traditional piano.

9. I am a light sleeper. The slightest noise would wake me up. When my parents gently knocked on my brother's door to wake him up in the morning, I wake up instead. And I hate that. It disturbs my sleep.

10. At 23, I can say that my personality now is entirely different from my personality 10 years ago. I used to be extremely shy, introvert, naive, sensitive and lacked a sense of humour. I guess after being through experiences, especially during my Honours year and two semesters as a teacher assistant, I find that I am at ease conversing with strangers and get along with people quite easily. And I think I'm not as naive and lifeless as well. But I'm still improving myself. Haha.

11. I extremely dislike people who when looking for you, has an ulterior motive but always beating around the bush. If we were friends and all, one shouldn't feel paiseh when asking for help. Or worse, pretend as though she doesn't need help but hinting to see your assignment. Then, there are some who suddenly becomes so friendly with you out of nowhere because they want something from you. So repulsive.

12. Most of my friends were totally surprised by the fact that I am into Korean music and entertainment. Well, to tell you the truth, I've been following Korean music since Shinhwa and G.O.D. days. So imagine how long ago was that. I was smitten with their powerful performance. But it was difficult to follow their news coz there was zero English sites available on them unlike now. And no online videos like Youtube then. Currently I'm into Super Junior, Dong Bang Shin Ki, Sung Si Kyung, Big Bang, Wonder Girls, Rain... still a fan of Shinhwa :)

While we're on the topic of K-pop, look who's currently on my desktop! Hahaha.

Xiah Junsu!! Thought of putting U-Know Yunho but he's too gorgeous. Scared I end up staring at the desktop instead of doing stuff I'm supposed to be doing on the computer. Haha. This is so random.

13. While my first love is music, my second love is books. Yeah, I love to read. I used to like reading mystery novels but now they seem to be quite predictable which I dislike. I'm into chicklits now thanks to Ying Ling and the Shopaholic books in Monash library!!! I like reading heavy stuff too, but only when my mind is unstressed.

14. When I was about 3 years old, I fell three storeys to the ground and survived without a broken bone. Just bruises on my butt.

15. I would love to a lot of children in the future. About 4 or 5 or more? Haha. I think this one will surprised everyone, even the closest friends. Hope to have a set of twins too *cross fingers*. I'll adopt too.

16. I've always had a gut feeling that I won't be staying in Malaysia in the later part of my life. Random people somehow mention that they have a feeling that I'll be staying overseas somewhere down the road. And deep down inside me just felt it as true. It's not wishful thinking. It's just a feeling I can't explain. It just feels... confirmed. But no one knows the future.

17. I think I have a minor case of OCD (which I've confessed here). I like my things arranged in a certain kind of way like my wardrobe according to colours... my skincare products according to height... my books according to height and colour... nothing harmful. I don't get seizures or bad mood if I find them not the way I want them to. I'll just re-arrange them.

18. I do NOT smoke. And I don't think I'll ever smoke coz I hate the smell. But I don't mind if you smoke around me. As long as you're not chain smoking in front of me and deliberately puffing the smoke in my face. I might just take the ciggy and poke a hole in your face.

19. But I do drink alcohol though. On a social basis albeit rarely because I'm usually driving around and I hate clubs (coz they're noisy and usually full of one-kind men I don't wanna meet). That's why I prefer lounges and bars. I never understood the need to drink and get drunk anyway, even if it's out of curiosity. Besides, too much alcohol is not good for the skin. Hehe.

20. Drinking coffee gives me migraine. If my health is very good, then coffee would just affect my sleep. But my health is not often very good so... go figure!

21. You know, I actually enjoy my job as a TA. Even if you hear me complain about my job and my students, I still love it. I hope I can find something that I can love like this (or even more passionate about) in the future.

22. I have a huge phobia for toilets that are wet, dirty, stinky and have bad lightings. I rather tahan and walk further to find clean toilets than go into one of them. Like when the bathroom of the hotel room I'm staying has bad lightings, I would absolutely hate going to the bathroom because I don't have another choice and I'll be out really fast. I love bright bathrooms. Say NO to dirty toilets!

23. Next time when I have a house of my own (whether it's just me alone or me married), I want to own a grand piano and place it in the living room. It's a dream I've had since I was young. And also a room as a library.


I'm done! PHEW. Oh and by the way, Happy New Year!! It's the Year of the Cow... Woo hoo!! Cows rock!!!