Thursday, July 27, 2006

My tribute to anatomy... NOT!

anatomy... study of human body structures and organization. and also, their inter-relationship. humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia, scapula, spatula, lumbricles, popsicles...

anatomy... its classes all allocated late late, falling between five to seven in the evening. apakan daya? cikgu import mari from other campus.

anatomy... because of its late classes, i have freaking long breaks twice a week. and the breaks in question is not less than 3 to 4.5 hours long. what to do? go home. come back later. waiting on campus for the class is too exhausting.. given the current hot and dry weather malaysia, staying home is very super tempting.

anatomy... i sleep in its lecture, tutorial and lab. why do you think i sleep?
a) the subject is tedious, wordy and too many new stuff/terms.
b) simple - i'm just disinterested.
c) "aiyahhhh... you not enough sleep lah. malam-malam dreaming about buaya and biawak.. macam mana nak tidur sedap-sedap, nyenyak-nyenyak dan tak jadi nyanyuk?"
d) it's in greek.
e) all of the above.

anatomy... bones of the hand. let's see whether i remember them. she looks too pretty, try too catch her - scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate. yay!!! hahahaa... no lah. i copied from lecture notes wann.

anatomy... makes me even more convinced that i should have never taken up the double degree program in biomedical science and biotech in the first place. yalah, that time young heart so greedy mah. hehehehh. now old liao, have to start thinking more realistically about future. thinking of dropping the former, and just doing a single degree in biotech. with or without honours. fed up already. serious. can't imagine working and terperuk only in the hospital lab. gonna concentrate more on my biotech subjects.

anatomy... you drive me insane. if only you were as peanuts as chemistry. or simple to grasp like cell metabolism. or as fascinating as molecular biology. or even half as interesting as microbiology.

anatomy... SIGH. anatomy. i rather go through one more round of both human health physiology and body systems physiology. learning harmoones (hormones), receptarrrs and mortar (motor) system all over again.

anatomy... i shall endure you for one whole semester, right up to the day i finish your last paper. you will not torture me. i will be content. once i'm through with you, to hell with you.

Sunday, July 9, 2006

TV series marathon

*Heaves big sigh* I'm on a watching-downloaded-TV-series-on-my-computer marathon. Holidays, my only time I get to watch as many shows as I like. And get bored equally as fast. Well, at least I can watch the shows without annoying commercial breaks, pause the show anytime I like, don't have to wait until commercials to come on for toilet breaks, can watch the show anytime I like, etc.

My eyes are very sore and somewhat red from watching twenty-four episodes of the TV show 24 season 5 in three days in a row, averaging 8 episodes a day. My mom says I'm over-straining my eyes, to which I agree. My brother says, "NOOO!!! Don't tell me the story! Don't spoil the fun for me!! I also wanna watch later". Hhhmmmm.. I smell a rich, warm golden opportunity wide open for me to give my brother a miserable time. Muahahaa. Wicked, ain't I?

One thing that draws me to 24 is their storyline and intriguing, meticulous plots. Just can't wait to watch the next episode once you've finished one. Plus, another attractant 24 has is the shock element. Anybody can be killed at any moment. And those whom you thought were the good ones end up being the bad guys, vice versa or they just are as you see them. So you have it all ways. That just makes it impossible to predict 100% what's gonna happen next. Now that I like (",)

I got one question though. How come they stopped showing 24 in Malaysia? They stopped at season 3. What happened? Too violent? Terrorrism content that might just drive some nut loose? Too many killings? And, why did they have to kill off Tony Almeida? Sayang betul. It's a good thing they didn't kill off Aaron Pierce, or I would have boycotted their following season. They better come up with a stronger president next. Disgraced President Logan is just plain weak and disorientated. I hated the character even before they revealed him to be the antagonist in this current conspiracy.

the good

the bad

the perished and will be dearly missed

Another show I'm catching up with is Ghost Whisperer. Yes, the new show with Jennifer Love Hewitt in it. She plays Melinda Gordon who can see and talk to ghosts. Earthbound spirits, her grandmother calls them, with unfinished business and she helps them. So far, I've watched 7~9 episodes. Some cases are pretty boring.. like Mended Hearts and Miss Fortune. Hmmm. Maybe the latter wasn't that bad.

Episodes involving ghosts of children were particularly among my favourites. Don't know why. Innocence maybe. The Demon Child episode was probably the first I watched. Ghost of a child haunting his own house, his mother, his baby sister and especially the nanny. All these antics were just to catch his mother's attention and send her a message. The other episode The Crossing tells the story of a young ghost, not knowing that he was dead or the meaning of death itself. Side note: I think Jennifer Love Hewitt has amazing chemistry with David Conrad, who plays her on-screen husband.

The episode I find most interesting, tear-jerking and my most favourite is Pilot. Hey, the cute guy from Prison Break was the ghost in this episode. OK. Aside from the fact that the ghost was cute, he was really convincing and impressive.. especially the crying scenes. See, his character never lived to see his son born. When he finally saw his already grown-up son, he cried. And when his son realizes that his father's spirit was there with him, he cried cuz he misses him so much.. over the fact that he never really got to know his father himself. They cried. I cried. Argh, told you I suck at controlling my own tears when I see others crying. Man.. I never cried so much over a TV show.

My bad. I couldn't wait for House second season to start viewing in Malaysia (They're playing Numb3rs latest season at the time slot at the moment). I've started watching several episodes already. Can't help it! There are no other medical dramas as interesting as House since E.R. and Chicago Hope. I've betrayed my age, haven't I? Scrubs portrays the life of doctors comedically but hardly focus much on anything interesting medical-related stuff. Grey's Anatomy? It's boring and way too unrealistic. Besides Sandra Oh's performance in that show, I just can't think of any other good reason to watch it. Period.

I haven't been religiously watching World Cup matches this time, unlike 2002. The last full match I watched was Germany vs Argentina. I find this time round a lot more boring than 2002's. Too much drama. Rooney-Ronaldo incident just shows how overrated and immature one is while further proves how shallow the other one is. I rather watch Wimbledon instead. I love watching Nadal's tenacity, mental strength and energy on court. But I think Federer will win Wimbledon cuz he's just too good on this surface. This is his backyard. This is his tournament to lose. He did win Wimbledon by the way.. his fourth Wimbledon. I admit that I haven't watched much of Federer's matches before. Now I'm a big fan.