Monday, June 26, 2006

This time round

Note: Entry was written on 16 May 2006. Never published till now.

As most of you know, AirAsia gave away free airline tickets last year. My sister managed to grab five tickets for our family during Wesak weekend. So where do we go? Back to Sibu lah, of course. Where else would we go?

Things were slightly different this time round. It was nice kind of different.

This time round, it was the first time we went back to Sibu not during year-end school holidays.

This time round, it was our first time to the Low Cost Carrier Terminal (the newly built terminal that caters especially for AirAsia flights).

This time round, my dad went back with us after years long of him not stepping foot in Sibu.

This time round, it was also the first time for my siblings and I celebrated Mother's Day together with my grandma, mother and aunties. It was almost like a family reunion lunch.

This time round, we visited our paternal grandparents' grave. It was our first time since their funerals in 1996 and 1997 respectively.

This time round, we noted AirAsia's odd different way of organization and system.
(1) Firstly, they have no boarding passes. Just two sheets of paper stapled together which resemble receipts you get when you buy something from supermarket. What? No boarding pass? That's one mystery of cheap we'll never solve.
(2) Secondly, although we don't have the long 10-km marathon to the boarding gate, alternately we had marathon from the boarding gate all the way to the airplane. Well, this is no mystery. Things never come cheap without any facility cut. Good exercise wat.
(3) Sit anywhere you want like! It's practically like boarding a bus in Pudu Bus Station. Only difference is that, this is boarding an air bus. Literally.
(4) Jet fuel is being pumped into the plane's tank while passengers are boarding and/or are on board. Scary man... Never understand 'em, until logic is explained.
(5) Once seated in the plane, annoucement heard over the speakers "Ladies and gentlemen. Please do not fasten your seatbelt as the plane is still being refueled". Another mystery of cheap that we'll never get. Maybe so that we can run faster if the plane catches fire while refuelling. Hahahaa.


  1. I've been in LCCT three times. I think the terminal is only for Air Asia flights.

    The blue receipt with your name handwritten on it is regarded as the boarding pass. Although they don't state when is the boarding time on it..

    No leh. The service during check-in is very slow. Last time when I went back to Medan we had to wait for more than half an hour for our turn to check-in. =(

    Service not so good, but then it's cheap. So I sabar sabar wait. Hehe.

  2. service not good? mmm. maybe the weekend i went back, it wasnt the "hot" time. we were the only ones lining up at the check-in counter mahh.. that's why fast lah. hahahaa.

    i dont consider those blue papers stapled together a proper boarding pass. that's why i say there isnt any boarding pass. heehee.

    but one thing i disliked about lcct is their over-tendency to delay flights. in terms of punctuality, they definitely failed.

    and there's nothing to do there when waiting gets longer due to flight delay. my mom and i actually jalan from one end of the boarding area to the other end several times. bored bored bored. like u said.. whatudu? cheap mah.
