Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Two doughnuts right before you.
Are they both real?
Or are they both fake?
Haha. I can tell you one is real, while the other one is fake.
Once costs RM16, the other one only costs around RM3.
The expensive one can't be eaten.
The cheaper doughnut is from Krispy Kreme, but it isn't all that great.
Too much flour, too filling, too starchy for me.
Even if the whole United States of America think it's the best doughnuts EVER,
Even if Oprah Winfrey says Krispy Kreme doughnuts are deliciously awesome,
I still think J&Co doughnuts from Indonesia are the BEST!
What say you?

Which is your favourite doughnuts?
J and Co's
Krispy Kreme
Big Apple
Dunkin Donuts
I don't eat doughnuts free polls

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Loving my new hair!

New hair colour, that is! Hahaha.

And to think that this was so random. I was feeling bored with my hair and it was getting too long. There was no way I was going back to Zola because Ah Gil will never cut my hair shorter even if I complain that the incredible length was making my hair even drier and frizzier. And not to forget, making the top of my head look flat (and ugly). And he will complain that colouring my hair is gonna make my hair frizzier. And he will complain and complain and complain. I beh tahan liao!

So I smsed "I m bored wif my hair... Feel like colouring it" to my sister, Suzan (in Singapore) and Pranati. Honestly speaking, I was expecting my sister not to respond, Suzan to say "Go colour lah" and Pranati to talk me out of colouring my hair. In the end, my sister did not respond (as expected... haha!), Suzan also did not respond (wonder why) and Pranati sent me this...

... which was the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what I expected to hear from her! Haha. I guess living overseas does change you somehow.

We opted to go for Infinity hair salon in 1Utama. I like the environment there and everything. Not to forget, the guy hairstylists there are pretty good looking. The hair stylists there speak English! And it's not the broken Ah Pek english lor! Not perfect, but proper English. At least they can understand me and I can understand them. And they can explain things to me in English. Previously, I almost always leave hair salons very frustrated because of the language barrier. Somehow none of the hair salons in Sri Petaling has English-speaking stylists.

Ah, I think I've (finally) found the hair salon for me. Hahaha.

I initially wanted to go for cut + colour + hair treatment. But my hair stylist (a woman by the way, I think the guy was the top stylist) recommended that I opt for scalp treatment instead of hair treatment because according to her, I have a very unhealthy scalp with a lot of dead skin cells, residues and clogged pores.

Some people might think that she's just doing hard sales (scalp treatment is RM190, as opposed to hair treatment RM120). But I actually do believe her. Because she managed to explain the mystery of my chronic hair loss. And I have always felt that my scalp was really unhealthy although I can't actually see it because I don't have eyes at the back of my head!

Scalp treatment was awesome! Seriously!! I think it was the 2nd last step when the stylist applied the cool-like-colgate product all over my scalp. You know the spiciness and coolness you feel in your mouth when you pop in the strongest Fisherman's Friend for the very first time? Imagine that exact feeling but ALL OVER YOUR HEAD. It was so so awesome lor! A whole 10 minutes of cheekik-ness!!! It actually felt like it was killing all the stupid problematic cells and refreshing the unhealthy cells. Ya, I know it could be my imagination but it felt like it!

I was told not to wash my hair until 3 days later. At first when she told me, my mind was thinking that I really had to have a lot of self-control because my head normally itches on the second day! Surprisingly, I am pleased to inform you that my scalp did not itch even on the third day. Hair was oily yes. But scalp was itch-free! I'm so happy!!

Did I mention that the hairstylists there thought I was a foreigner? Simply because I spoke English. I'm guessing. They were gossiping about us in Cantonese at the washing hair area there while I was there getting my hair washed. It was so weird. I thought that they were bit daring to talk about us so loudly behind me. Mana tau they thought I wasn't local. No wonder lah.

Ah yes, I am off to Sungai Wang to buy the Nioxin shampoo and conditioner tomorrow. I'm gonna be so so broke. Anyone wants to contribute to my "Prevent Daesi from going botak" fund?