Monday, November 12, 2007

The Reading Addict

Reasons I've not been blogging as of late:
One, I'm lazy.
Two, just pure utter laziness.
Three, there’s something in the air lately that's making me lazy. Therefore I laze.

Okay. I am aware I’m talking gibberish. Maybe I’m more diligent than I give myself credit for. Just maybe. But I do still have a penchant for laziness. Hahahaa.

Truthfully, I have only recently rekindled a dormant darling hobby I had since before I went to school but coldly shoved aside during college – reading. Haha. Now I’m going crazy borrowing books from libraries. Seriously. All because of one good book.

Once I finish reading a good book, something triggers me and I go on a reading rampage. But once I come across a bad book, particularly one that has me hooked page-by-page only to disappoint in its climax in the last fifteen pages (*ahem* Crisis *ahem*), I immediately get switched off and probably put off reading for a few weeks. Haha. Yes, I am weird unique. And admitting that is no sin.

Borrowed three big books (I mean big physically, not big as in deep, difficult-to-digest literatures) from Perpustakaan Kuala Lumpur under Suet Wan’s grandma’s account last Wednesday, before I even finished Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible which I managed to finish the day after Deepavali – Hallelujah! – no thanks to procrastination, my initial lukewarm attitude and the “no time” excuse.

The Poisonwood Bible is a good novel on a side note. It’s a story about a missionary who takes his wife and four daughters to Congo, away from the comforts of USA, cleverly written from five different points of views (the five women in the book) about their experiences and the plight of the people there.

And when I’ve only finished reading Robin Cook’s Marker – which was, by the way way WAYYYY better than Crisis – and left with two books still, my itching fingers went to my university library today and got myself two additional books... -_-;

So now.

Yang Sudah Habis Baca (Finished)...

Yang Sedang Dibaca (Halfway through)...

Yang Sedang Menunggu Saya (Still waiting)...

And I still want dozens more!!!!

Giler, macam manalah nak habis??