Sunday, April 16, 2006

ok. hitting the big 21 today... so now what?

so yeah, i'm turning 21 today. one year older. not much of a fuss... for me. seems like a big deal before i turned 21. what's the deal about being 21? truthfully, i don't really feel as much of a rush of excitement as i'd felt when i turned 20 last year and said goodbye to my childish teenage years. this calls for an investigation via online googling and short interviews with *ahem* the experienced ones. here's what i've got.

being 21 means that you can walk into a liquor store to buy alcohol with no worries about secret swat team hiding nearby busting 20-year-olds with alcohol.
i've already held wine and beer bottles in my hands many times before. and i drink wine occasionally since i was 15.. blame it all on the chinese businessmen my dad used to deal with. they drink, they get all red in their faces and still they don't admit they're drunk. siao. anyway i'm neither a heavy drinker nor am i talented at drinking. in fact, i'm pretty strict towards how many glasses of wine i take at a go. i'll probably pass out by the sixth glass anyway. so what's new?

being 21 means i can legally be in bars and clubs.
is that right... hmmm. clubs aren't really my kind of place anyway. not a fan of crowded places. can't even stand the smell of smoking cigarette butts. even if there's only one smoker around me within five-mile radius. health hazard man.

being 21 means that i can legally tour casinos and gambling "haven".
yeah.. i can confidently flash my id at anyone who thinks i'm sixteen with a smirk on my face knowing that they can't kick my pretty ass out of the place. if you see me in casinos, there's a big chance that i'm just there sightseeing cuz again, i don't like the idea of gambling. the idea of being in debt does not sound amusing at all. might as well use the money to do something good.. like shopping. what, isn't shopping a mode of exercise and good for mental health? it makes me happy.

being 21 means that i can vote.
my parents already have it all figured out, i.e. where to register. but the next elections aren't but in few years' time.

according to my sister when one turns 21, he or she would get their own set of keys to my house.
hmmmm.......... i already had my own set since 16. i walked home from school quite frequently then mah. so how? an illegal holder of my housekeys all this while lah? sue me :P

being 21 means that you are legally an adult. make your own decision about yourself and stuff (not quite sure what though).

adulthood = responsibilities.
responsibilities = worry
worry = reality check.
reality check = pressure.
pressure = headache.
and therefore, adulthood = headache. there you go.

teenagers look forward to the 16-milestone and then 18-milestone. turning 21 is your final milestone.
no more milestones worth getting excited about. hitting 30 would be just another phase, no biggie. by then, would have tonnes of other things to worry about by then.. work, husband (if married by 30), children, menopause maybe... damn.

Keren, my childhood friend, said "21 YEARS OLD CAN GET MARRIED LIAO!!!".
oookkkkk. definitely didn't see that coming. lol. good idea but in order to do that, i have to have mr right first. hahaa. if not kahwin dengan diri, syiok sendiri ah? besides, getting married isn't in my agenda for the next say 4-5 years?

cukup lah.. how many you want? these are all that i've got. wanna add on?