Friday, July 8, 2005

Daesi.. it's not just a name

Aahhh... Haven't updated the blog for a long time. I'm not really a blog person. I, actually, forgot about this blog until I got an email, saying that Sue Nee (an old friend from high school) a.k.a. Susu (her famous nick) had posted in my guestbook! Heheh. Kinda surprised cuz we haven't heard from each other, as in directly, since graduating high school. You won't believe how she found my blog.. BY GOOGLING HER NAME! I had written her name in some survey entry in this blog some time back. So there..

Following her interesting idea, I decided to google my own name as well. Several entries were familiar, e.g. my personal website, my blog at blogspot, my xanga blog, Suet Wan's xanga blog...
#1) I didn't know there was a town in East Timor called Daesi! Wow, a town named after me.. *ahem hem, perasan case oledi* . It's a really small town you know, with population of only 7000-8000.
#2) There's this other interesting discovery: DAESI stands for Diploma in Agricultural Extension Services for Input dealers (God knows what the diploma is about). And also stands for Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales Internacionales. I don't speak Spanish so, can't explain what that stands for.. department blank blank economics blank social international.
#3) Then in this Everquest game, there's a dark elf character named Daesi.. Hhhhmmmmm... last time I checked, my ears ain't nothing like an elf's.
#4) Some website owned by a Korean or Japanese company owns and . Hmph, sue them for using my name?
#5) According to this website, Daesi is supposedly one of the celtic tribes of Europe.
#6) Daesi, a street name in Myanmar.. Thought I would come across this one. One of my Myanmese ex-classmates in Bible college told me before that there IS a road with my name in Myanmar. Heheh.

Okay, back to my daily life. The downstairs pc got reformatted last Monday AND lost the game data for Sims 2.. which MEANS I have to start the game from scratch. Argh!! Those Sim-beings I've grown from bawling baby to a cranky oldie, have to start playing them again from the bawling baby stage. Sigh. At least there are some positive points.. the game loads and moves faster after reformatting. Have I mentioned that this downstairs pc actually had 17 viruses attack, all at once, and still not crash?

And got my timetable for my next semester.. one word.. HORRENDOUS! Hope I got the spelling right.. ever since I left school, my English has been deteriorating to the point of not being to spell simple words like "necessary", I wrote "nesscessary". Anyway, next semester's timetable? Everyday classes ends at 5 or 6 pm, have 8 am lectures on Mon, Wed and Fri, just one hour lunch break and.. and.. and.... Wwaaaaaaahhhhh, I dunwanna go back to ssskkeeewwlll!